With10gen, you can develop applications in Python as well as the JavaScript and Ruby programming languages. 通过10gen,可以使用Python以及JavaScript和Ruby编程语言开发应用程序。
The language features are already being discussed in context of the development of Squeak, Python, and Erlang. 在Squeak、Python和Erlang开发环境中已经对这些语言特性进行了讨论。
This is a good example of implementing a menu system in Python. 这是一个很好的示例,它说明了Python中菜单系统的实现。
Other scripted languages include a comprehensive Perl and Python implementation that you might want to try. 其他脚本语言实现包括功能全面的Perl和Python实现,您可以试一试。
Next, I will describe a Python client. 接下来,我将描述一个Python客户机。
That's all there is to setting up Apache and mod_python for deploying Django to a production Web server. 现在已经完全设置好Apache和modpython,您可以将Django应用程序部署到生产Web服务器了。
The nature of Python scripts is that they can be easily modified and customized without needing to recompile code. Python脚本的本质是,可以很容易地对它们进行修改和自定义,而不需要重新编译代码。
Perhaps the more common technique is to parse and process non-Python declarative languages as data. 或许更为常用的技术是将非Python声明性语言作为数据来解析和处理。
Now you can write a client that can find and invoke the functions in the Python component. 现在可以编写客户机来查找和调用Python组件的功能。
Perl and Python contain excellent string-processing libraries. Perl和Python包含一些很好的字符串处理库。
In several previous articles, I have advocated the clarity and simplicity of my own Python xml_objectify module. 在前几篇文章中,我提倡我自己的Pythonxmlobjectify模块的清晰性和简明性。
In fact, you can invoke the Python interpreter to only process a Python program contained in a file. 实际上,您可以调用Python解释器使其仅处理包含于一个文件中的一个Python程序。
Now that we have trayicon. so, we can try and use it in a Python program. 既然我们有了trayicon.so,就可以在Python程序中尝试并使用它。
Scripting languages like Ruby, Python, and PHP power modern-day server-side Web development. 诸如Ruby、Python和PHP这样的脚本语言可助力当今的服务器端Web开发。
As you can see, you can import multiple modules into a Python program. 如您所见,您可以将多个模块导入到一个Python程序中。
A script is basically just a short Python program. 一个脚本基本上就是一个短小的Python程序。
Listing 7 shows an example of how to automate this process by using the Python API. 清单7显示了一个使用PythonAPI自动化此过程的示例。
Cheetah generates a custom Python class that implements code for merging the template definition with dynamic data. Cheetah生成了一个定制Python类,该类实现代码来合并模板定义和动态数据。
In this article, I introduced the Python string, which is an immutable sequence of characters. 在本文中,我介绍了Python字符串,它是一种不变的字符序列。
Note that this file is not Python-specific and can be used by other language bindings too. 该文件不是特定于Python的,其它语言绑定也可以使用它。
Sys contains data and methods for interacting with the Python interpreter. sys包含用于与Python解释器交互的数据和方法。
On my system, it's at/ usr/ bin/ python. 在我的系统中,它位于/usr/bin/python。
Alternatively, you can use external scripting languages like Perl or Python to extend the editor's functionality. 也可以使用Perl或Python等外部脚本语言扩展编辑器的功能。
Because the APIs are versioned, the Python clients are always associated with a specific version of the API. 因为API提供了版本控制,所以Python客户端始终与该API的一个特定版本有关联。
It discussed how to use methods, or reusable blocks of code, in a Python program. 讨论了如何在Python程序中使用方法或可重用块。
The above code shows how SCA references are handled within Python code running in the Tuscany SCA Native runtime. 上面的代码说明了如何在TuscanySCANative运行时中运行的Python代码中处理SCA引用。
The scripts directory contains python scripts used to install and uninstall the application. 脚本目录包含用于安装和卸载应用程序的python脚本。
This article discussed how to read and write data to a file from a Python program. 这篇文章讨论了在Python程序中如何从文件读取数据和写入数据到文件中。
You use monkeyrunner with Python programs to test applications and devices. 你在Python程序中使用monkeyrunner来测试程序和设备。
Once you have Python-based interfaces, many new possibilities develop. 一旦你有了基于Python的接口,很多新的可能性逐步显示出来了。