The onset of symptoms coincides with rupture of a caseous focus into one of the calyces, causing infection of the renal pelvis and the production of an apparently sterile pyuria. 随着干酪样变病灶破溃进入肾盏,从而引起肾盂的感染,并产生明显的无菌脓尿。
Sometimes there is hematuria, and even irritation sign of bladder and pyuria when with infection. 有时出现血尿,合并感染时可出现膀胱刺激症状及脓尿。
Pyuria namely purulent cell make water, alleged pus cell is the leucocyte that point to denaturation or dies. 脓尿即脓细胞尿,所谓脓细胞是指变性或死亡的白细胞。
New-style concealed coccus can cause kidney tit necrotic and integrated proof, pyelonephritis and pyuria of similar kidney tubercular. 新型隐球菌可引起肾乳头坏死综合征、肾盂肾炎和类似肾结核的脓尿。
The diagnosis is based on the combination of symptoms, signs, pyuria and significiant bacteriuria; 依据症状、体征、脓尿和尿培养细菌数诊断尿路感染;
Prolonged fever and pyuria: A urinary tract infection presentation of incomplete Kawasaki disease 持续发热并脓尿:不完全性川崎病诱发的泌尿道感染症状
The main clinical symptoms, edema, general malaise, fever, frequency of micturition, enuresis, albuminuria, hematuria, pyuria etc. 9例尿螨阳性者的主要表现为水肿、全身不适、发热、尿频、遗尿、蛋白尿、血尿和脓尿等。
But when suffering from urinary tract obstruction, pyuria can not be discharged, there was no discovery. 但当患有尿路梗阻时,因脓尿无法排出,则无从发现。