Successful agricultural reform is also a sine qua non of Mexico's modernisation. 成功的农业改革也是墨西哥实现现代化的必要条件。
The perfect cake is the sine qua non of the carefully planned modern wedding ( J.M.Hilary) 一个完美的蛋糕在一个精心筹划的现代婚礼中是必不可少的(J.M。希拉里)
You could say that the very sine qua non of UNIX and Linux programming is writing code to deal with files. 您可以认为,UNIX和Linux编程实际上是编写处理各种文件的代码。
Economics was always her priority: National solvency is not so much an objective as conditio sine qua non for the attainment of any objectives. 经济永远是她优先考虑的事项:国家偿付能力与其说是一个目标,倒不如说是实现其它任何目标的先决条件。
The most important character of the knowledge economy is that the knowledge develops the economy qua the capital. 知识经济最重要的特徵是可以把知识作为资本来发展经济。
The fetishism of science-technological commodity essentially is the relation between people and people concealed by the science-technological commodity qua "things". 科技商品拜物教在实质上是科技商品作为“物”所掩盖着的人与人的关系;
Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。
It is also a play on the duality of a solid line representing the heavens and a broken line representing the earth in the Pa Qua trigrams. 同时这幅作品也预示着一种双重性:实线代表着八卦中的天,虚线代表着八卦中的地。
Money, qua money, cannot provide happiness. 钱本身不能给人以快乐。
Sugar is a sine qua non ingredient in any kind of cake. 任何糕点中,糖都是不可缺少的原料。
Durable peace is a 'sine qua non'condition for Africa to deal with the other challenges. 持久和平是非洲应对其他挑战的先决条件。
In this paper, there is a case analysis of Xinchang Pharmacy Corporation which qua evidence proved the theory. 论文通过对新昌制药厂技术能力激活的分析,佐证本文所提出的理论构想。
He soon found that freedom from fear of arrest was not the sine qua non of his existence. 他很快就发现,消除对被捕的恐惧,并不是他生存的必要条件。
He stated the opinion as a private person, and not qua president. 他以个人的身份而不以总统的身份表示意见。
Agreement by the management is a sine qua non of all employment contract. A conditional acceptance is not an effective acceptance unless the offeror agrees to the condition. 管理部门的同意就是所有雇用合同的必要条件。有条件的承诺是无效的承诺,除非要约人对所附条件同意。
An outstanding contribution of Emile Durkheim is to discern the moral qua a consequence and constitution of economy in modern economic life. 涂尔干的一个卓越贡献,是从现代经济中辨识出了作为其后果与构成的道德性因素。
A transatlantic free trade agreement would require painful concessions on both sides, but the sine qua non is a European willingness to tackle agricultural subsidies. 一项跨大西洋自由贸易协定需要双方都做出痛苦让步,但一个必不可少的条件是欧洲愿意解决农业补贴问题。
In the art of puBlic speaking, clear diction is a sine qua non. 在演讲术中,措辞清晰是必不可少的。
Nobody wants to upset the status qua. 没人想打乱现状。
All this, he writes," began with water, the sine qua non of any civilization. " 他写道,所有这些,“来源于水,水是任何文明产生的必不可少的条件。”
An interest in children is a sine qua non of teaching. 对儿童关心的是当教师的必要前提。
It's the bourgeoisie he's after, not the English qua english. 他追求的是资产阶级那一套,而不是真正英国人的那一套。
And quite frankly, I think that such civility is the sine qua non of conducting the affairs of the court and the business of the country. 而且相当坦白地说,我认为这样的文明礼仪,是指导我们司法行事和处理国家事务所必不可少的因素。
Good governance is today considered the sine qua non for sustainable development and social justice. 今天,善治被看成是可持续发展和社会公平的基本条件。
Machinery qua means of labor impels activity of production socialization directly, and that socialization of production is the important symbol of industry naissance. 作为劳动资料的机器促使生产活动直接社会化,而生产的社会化则是产业诞生的重要标志。
A sense of humour is a sine qua non for a job in our offiee! 对于我们办公室的工作来说,幽默感是必备素质!
Qua father, he pitied the young man; qua judge, he condemned him. 作为人之父,他同情那个年轻人;作为法官,他将他定罪。
The observance of research ethics is a sine qua non for every social survey. 任何社会调查都要贯彻研究伦理,这是一种刚性的要求。
The Multi-National Corporation ( MNC) qua centre of the framework of neo-capitalism plays an extremely important role. 作为全球新资本主义组织的中心,跨国公司起着十分重要的作用。
Qua musician, he lacks skill, but his playing is lively and enthusiastic. 作为音乐家,他缺乏技巧,但他的演奏活泼而又热情。