I went everywhere for treatment, tried all sorts of quacks. 我四处求医,看过了各种各样的江湖郎中。
The duck quacks. 鸭子嘎嘎叫。
Hard-working medical men may come to be almost as mischievous as quacks. 辛勤工作的医生可能变成江湖郎中那样的骗子。
People would turn to quacks and old myths for health information that is rarely grounded in any science. 人们经常通过江湖郎中和古老的神话来获取几乎没有任何科学依据的健康信息。
Away, then, with quacks and organizers! 那么,让那些江湖郎中和组织者走开!
Those two quacks I've got working for me in the medical tent still can't find out what's wrong with me. 医务室里我请来替我办事的那两个江湖医生,而直到现在还没有弄清楚我到底患了什么毛病。
Certainly, the timing fits to a tee, and as stated here regularly in the past: if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it surely is not a peacock. 确实,时机正合适,正如我们一直在这唠叨的:如果某只秒走起来向鸭子,叫起来嘎嘎的,那么它肯定不是只孔雀。
The fallacies of the fringe will not be proposed, although they have been investigated by myself, so I know what the quacks are telling "Joe Public". 一些谬论我不会提议,虽然我已调查了这些谬论,因此我知道庸医所说的“乔公众”是什么意思了。
Quacks now lace their pitch with scientific terms that may sound authentic to the uninformed ( Jane E. Brody) 江湖庸医现在在零售摊上加上科学字眼,以使人相信他们的正统性(简E.布罗迪)
Ronald: The pain of getting his bill will be far greater than this. Here, hold this string. I'll show those over-priced quacks. 罗讷德:收到他的账单比现在更痛苦,来吧,拿着绳子,我要叫那些收费高得离谱的庸医看看我的手段。
Like the alchemists and the quacks, the risk modellers have created an industry whose intense technical debates with each other lead gullible outsiders to believe that this is a profession with genuine expertise. 与炼金术士和江湖医生一样,风险模型设计者创造了一种行当。他们相互之间激烈的技术辩论让轻信的局外人相信,这是一个拥有真正专业技能的行业。
A crowd of soothsayers, magicians, and quacks armed with rings, hooks, and cords surrounded it. 一群手持戒指、铁钩、绳索的巫师、道士、江湖郎中包围着他。
Before you make up your mind, here are a few considerations: government healthcare and primary education are free; the private-sector doctors are ignorant quacks and the teachers are poorly qualified; the private schools are cramped and often illegal. 在做决定之前,请考虑以下几点:公立医疗和初等教育是免费的;私营部门的医生是些无知的庸医,老师的素质也较差;私立学校空间局促,而且往往属于违法经营。
"If it looks like a bank and quacks like a bank, it has got to be subject to bank-like safeguards," said Lord Turner. “如果它看起来像银行,行为也像银行,那么它就必须接受银行式的防护措施,”特纳勋爵说。
They flaunted themselves as of the elect group, but actually most of them are quacks. 它们标榜自己是出类拔萃的一样,可实际上它们大多数都是假充内行。
The United States, essential for knocking heads together, has a lame-duck president whose quacks for peace have probably come too late. 各方均需美国来斡旋,但其跛脚鸭总统促成中东和解的努力未免来得太晚了。
A conscientious worker, pupil, attitude Hard-working medical men may come to be almost as mischievous as quacks. 勤勤恳恳的工作人员、学生、态度.辛勤工作的医生可能变成江湖郎中那样的骗子。
The second part discusses the quack problems and analyzes the efforts that the government is devoted to making to ban quacks in the Yuan Dynasty. 第二部分论述了元代的庸医问题、评析了元朝政府在禁庸医方面所作出的努力及其效果。