v. 取得资格(或学历); 合格; 使合格; 使具备资格; 有权,使有权(做某事) qualify的第三人称单数
These people seem to think that reading a few books on old age qualifies them as experts. 这些人似乎以为自己读了几本关于老年人的书就可以算作专家了。
How do we even define what qualifies as our own information? 我们如何确定哪些是自己本人的信息?
I: What experience have you had that qualifies you for this position? 你有什么样的经验能使你胜任这个职位?
In this line of argument, questioning such a practice qualifies AS unnecessary and ridiculous, AS it benefits no one. 在这种论证思维下,质疑这样一个惯例被认为是没有必要的和荒唐的,对任何人都没有好处。
You see, as soon as the row qualifies, predicate application within the OR list stops. 可见,一旦行合格,OR列表中的谓词应用将停止。
You can configure the number of hours that qualifies as "recently" by using a query argument. 您可以通过使用查询来将小时数配置为“最近”。
This certificate qualifies the products. 这份证书证明产品合格。
The word class that qualifies verbs or clauses. 修饰性附加词(语)修饰动词或从句的词类。
I am an Indian but my country never qualifies for the World Cup. 我是个印度人,但印度国家队从未打进过世界杯。
The Paris-based International Energy Agency, in its latest monthly report, even qualifies this view. 国际能源署(IEA)甚至在其最新月度报告中为这一观点提供了佐证。
A training course qualifies you to be a driver. 参加训练课程能能使你胜任驾驶。
What qualifies me to be a future stewardess? 成为一个空姐我需要具备什么素质?
It is the only course in the country that qualifies you to be a tabloid journalist. 这是全国唯一一门能使你胜任小报记者工作的课程。
We need to know who owns the companies and what qualifies them to play the role that they do. 我们需要知道,谁拥有这些公司,是什么使他们有资格扮演它们在扮演的角色。
He qualifies to work as a doctor. 他能胜任做医生的工作。
His training qualifies him as teacher of English. 他所受到的训练使他获得了英语老师资格。
What if I Feel My Child Qualifies for an IEP but the School Disagrees? 如果我觉得我的孩子可以获得个别教育计划的援助,但学校不同意怎么办?
The findings of this testing will determine if he qualifies for special education help in your state or not. 这一测试结果将决定他是否有资格在您的州获得特殊教育帮助。
People in the United States generally consider self-reliance and independence as ideal personal qualifies. 美国人一般认为依靠自己和独立是理想的个人品质。
What qualifies Emily to negotiate? emily有什么资格进行谈判?
He qualifies this year if he gets through his exams. 他如果通过考试,今年就可取得资格。
This qualifies as a harassment suit. 这是对别人私生活的骚扰。
Do you think this dress qualifies as evening wear? 你看这连衣裙适合作晚礼服吗?
But that hardly qualifies you to write a fairness opinion. 但是这个不能让你就胜任来写公平意见。
Being a single parent qualifies you for extra benefits. 作为一个单身父米使得你有权获得额外的福利金。
The training course qualifies you to be/ as a driving instructor. 参加了训练课程就有资格成为[当]驾驶教练。
Your education qualifies you for this job. 你所受的教育使你有资格干这项工作。
But competence in that new position qualifies them for still another promotion. 但是在一个新的称职的岗位仍然会晋升到另一个不称职的岗位。
In what way do you think your experience in publishing qualifies you forthis job? 你从哪方面觉得你在出版业中的经验能使得你有资格得到这份工作?
Which qualifies you for special circumstances and a lethal injection. 这能确保你的特殊情况还有注射死刑。