A typical group might include a quant jock, an engineer, a marketing executive, a health care director and a manufacturing manager. 一个典型的学习小组中可能会包括一名股市分析高手、一名工程师、一名营销主管、一名医疗保健主管和一名生产经理。
A group of quant researchers at Deutsche Bank analyzed a database of several million job listings from job search engine LinkUp. 一组德意志银行的金融研究人员对来自求职搜索引擎LinkUp的数据库进行了分析,该数据库拥有数百万份招聘广告。
A lot of people in China are big speculators, they push the market around. These guys are very serious, like a US-style hedge fund or quant fund, says a commodity trader based in Singapore. 新加坡的一位大宗商品交易员表示:许多中国人是重要的投机者,他们随心所欲地推动市场。这些家伙非常认真,就像美国式的对冲基金或者定量基金。
Some business deans also express concern that the GMAT fails to measure attributes of candidates that are as important as the quant and verbal skills the test assesses. 一些商学院院长也表达了另一个忧虑:GMAT考试偏重于评估定量和口头表达能力,但没有衡量申请人身上其他一些同样很重要的特质。
( Quant, Long/ Short, Global Macro, etc*) (量化基金,做多/做空基金,全球宏观型基金等)
It is possible for a math-phobic parent to raise a quant, but parents need to change their behavior, researchers and educators say. 研究人员和教育专家称,那些患有数学恐惧症的父母也能教出一位数量分析家,但前提是他们得先改变自己的行为。
There is a good deal of drudgery, of course; but one preserves one's moral freedom, what we call in French one's quant a soi. 这种工作当然非常单调辛苦,但却可以保持精神上的自由&在法语里我们叫做‘自重’。
Because many quant models identified and attempted to exploit similar factors in the market, such as momentum and value, the more money chasing these factors, the less outperformance any individual fund could achieve. 由于许多量化模型鉴别并试图利用市场中的类似因素,例如动能和价值,因此追踪这些因素的资金越多,单个基金能够超越大盘的幅度就越小。
Investor attitudes to quant managers are not uniform, even after the struggles of the past few years. 投资者对于量化基金公司的态度并不相同,即使经历了过去几年的竞争后也是如此。
Here we have a number of different methodological cuts into the question of values: Quant Analysis ( Feldman), Quant Analysis of Codes ( Feldman and Zaller), Open-ended questions ( Chong). 我们有多套检视价值的方法:数量分析(Feldman)、准则数量分析(Feldman与Zaller)和开放式问题(Chong)。
The quant funds made their money with a highly sophisticated market-neutral strategy, in which they bet on equal numbers of stocks to go up and down, exploiting subtle differences in their valuations. 这类基金通过高度复杂的市场中立策略赚钱:它们做多和做空同等数量的股票,利用这些股票估值的细微差别掘金。
Joaquim de Lima, global head of quant research for equities, said the results were surprising and very encouraging, given the financial crisis. 汇丰股票定量研究全球主管若阿金德利马(JoaquimdeLima)表示,在爆发金融危机的情况下,这一结果令人惊讶,也很令人鼓舞。
Tatjana is modelling another quant design. 塔季亚娜正当模特儿展示匡特的另一设计。
If delimit oneself, yacht gives priority to content to the key to quant, safe. 如自划游船对于船桨、保险箱对于钥匙都为主物。
Quant comfort is undoubtedly one of the strengths of the Sloan school, part of science and engineering university MIT, and, as EMBA programmes continue to flourish, many schools are playing to their strengths. 擅长定量分析无疑是斯隆商学院的长项之一,因为它隶属于麻省理工学院。随着EMBA项目继续蓬勃发展,许多商学院都在充分利用自己的优势。
In the quant, only one inspection lot can be recorded. 在份中,只能记录一个检验批。
It is difficult to get a precise handle on exact numbers flowing in or out of quant funds because the definition of such products is not clear-cut. 人们很难精确把握进出量化基金的确切数据,因为这些产品的定义并不明晰。
Like many investment innovations, quant managers 'core ideas have become mainstream – now they find themselves at the edge of thinking about what exactly investors want from their portfolios and how that might be produced. 与很多投资创新一样,量化基金的核心理念已成为主流,如今,它们发现自己需要思考投资者究竟希望从它们的投资组合中得到什么,以及如何获取这些回报。
Large amounts of money poured into quant funds, both long-only and hedge funds. 大量资金涌入量化基金,既包括单向做多的基金,也包括对冲基金。
Now alternative methods of weighting indices are being developed, such as the "anti-benchmark" approach of French quant tobam, which systematically weights index components based on their correlation to each other to maximise diversification. 如今,市场正在开发指数加权的另类策略,例如法国量化基金tobam的“反基准”策略,这种策略根据指数成份相互之间的关系对其进行系统性加权,以最大限度地实现多元化。
More recently, quant funds have struggled as their performance, by and large, failed to satisfy investors through the credit crisis and afterwards. 近来,量化基金一直举步维艰,因为在此次信贷危机期间乃至之后,此类基金的表现大体上未能让投资者感到满意。
However, the recent turmoil in financial markets has jolted faith in the so-called "quants". 然而,最近金融市场的混乱已经动摇了人们对这些被称为“宽客”(quant)的信任。
Mr Pandit, a former quant, is returning Citi to its roots in corporate services and international retail banking. 前金融工程师潘迪特先生力图使花旗重拾老本行,从事企业服务和国际零售银行业务。
Along with her husband, Quant opened up a small shop, Bazaar, on Carnaby Street of London. 随着她的丈夫,特开辟了一个小商店,集市,对卡纳比街的伦敦。
Mary quant was the first fashion designer to raise hemlines. 玛丽匡特是第一位设计收提衣裙下摆的时装设计师。
This is not to say quant managers are sitting back and waiting for things to go their way again. 这并不是说量化基金经理在袖手旁观,等待情况再次变得对自己有利。
Equally accurate was the acronym used by Andrew Lo, another Wall Street quant and now a lecturer at MIT. 另一位华尔街定量金融学家、现麻省理工大学讲师罗德城(andrewlo)引用的缩写词也相当精准。
The SIMD ( Single-Instruction Multiple-Data) instruction system was introduced, and further Integer DCT ( Discrete Cosine Transform), quant, interpolation and motion estimation of H.264 were optimized with the SIMD technology. 简要介绍了单指令多数据(Single-IstructionMultiple-Data,SIMD)指令系统,并用该技术对H。
A theoretical analysis of a remote gate quantum transistor and a middle gate quant(?) 对两种T型电子波导器件即遥控栅量子晶体管和中间栅量子晶体管进行了理论研究。
Ranger is the people of special group in Chinese history. Siam Quant was the first biography of a person for the Ranger. 游侠是中国历史上一个特殊的群体,司马迁是第一个为游侠立传之人。