Nanophase particles offer remarkable size quantisation effects for many applications. 纳米相粒子在许多场合下会出现显著的量子化效应。
Parameter is also used as part of the defined term quantisation parameter. 参数也被用作术语量化参数的一部分。
Quantisation theory ⅳ is used to class wells by analysing the geological informations of gas wells and the seismic informations nearby the gas wells when there is no reference variable. 而数量化理论Ⅳ是在无基准变量的情况下,采用各气井的地质信息和井附近的地震信息对各井进行分型。
Design of FIR Digital Filter with Different Quantisation Steps FIR数字滤波器的分步量化法
Electrochemistry on Fermi Surfaces ( 2)& Methods of Second Quantisation 费密面与电化学(二)&二次量子化方法
From Maxwell equations for free space and by converting the amplitudes in Fourier expansion of the vector potential into operators according to quantisation correspondence, this paper obtains Hamiltonian operator, which quantises the electromagnetic field, and introduces the number state representation for the field. 本文从真空中麦克斯韦方程组出发,通过把矢势的Fourier展开式中的振幅按照量子化对应化为算符,得到了哈密顿算符,从而实现了电磁场的量子化,同时给出了电磁场的数态描述。
Based on the analysis of clipping noise and quantisation noise in Discrete Multitone ( DMT) systems, criterions and methods to optimize the clipping rate in DMT systems are presented in this paper. 文章对于离散多音DMT(DiscreteMultitone)系统中量化噪声和削波噪声进行了详细的分析,提出了DMT系统中进行削波率最优设计的原则和方法。