The new observations revealed hidden quasars in every one of the galaxies, the team reports online today in Science. 研究小组今天在《科学》在线版上报道说:这些新的观测显示,每个星系中都有隐藏的类星体。
And you can take it for granted that they've heard of stars and galaxies, but not necessarily of star clusters or quasars. 我们可以认为他们听说过恒星和星系,但是我们不能认为他们知道星团或者类星体。
Peering behind thick clouds of cosmic gas and dust, researchers believe they have finally determined the origins of quasars, the brightest and most powerful objects in the universe. 凝视宇宙背后的气体和尘埃,研究人员相信,他们终于确定了类星体的起源,宇宙中最明亮和最强大的对象浓云。
Energy is injected into space by quasars in the form of fast, nonrelativistic particles. 能量是以快速非相对论性粒子的形式由类星体注入空间的。
Might the modulation of pulsars or the energy source of quasars, for example, have a technological origin? 比如,脉冲星波段的调制与类星体的能量来源应该有一个科技的源泉?
Quasars or dwarf galaxies would scatter the elements more unevenly. 类星体或矮星系可使这些元素散布得更不平均。
North following star In the same way, ultraviolet photons from accretion disks around white dwarfs and in active galactic nuclei or quasars may also accelerate winds from the disk. 同样地,来自白矮星、跃星系核或类星体吸积盘的紫外光光子,或许也能够加速从圆盘吹出的风。
Quasars are the highly energetic cores of distant galaxies. 类星体是遥远星系的极为活跃的核心体。
The findings provide "powerful insights into how quasars form and evolve," says astronomer Amy Barger of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的天文学家艾米·巴杰说,这些发现在类星体的形成和演化方面提供了深刻的认识。
We summarize the observational and theoretical studies of quasars, and present the results of our studies on the Doppler redshifts of quasars. 本文综述类星体的观测和理论研究现状,详细介绍本人在攻读博士学位期间在类星体多谱勒红移方面的研究工作。
Astronomers using Hubble tracked down the'homes'of quasars, proving that these dynamos reside in the centers of galaxies. 天文学家使用哈勃望远镜追踪到这些恒星状球体的“家”(宿主星系),并且证明它们位于这些星系的中心区域。
The redshift means that the quasars are very far away, more distant than the most distant galaxies we can see. The project is now approaching the halfway point in its goal of measuring one million galaxy and quasar redshifts. 红移意味着类星体是非常非常遥远的天体,比我们观测到的最遥远的星体还要远。这个计画的目标是量取100万个星系与类星体的红移,现在已将达成目标的一半。
Astronomers think this effect, although minuscule for Earth, could play a role in the black hole dynamos that power quasars. 天文学家认为,这种影响,但是对地球微不足道,可在黑洞发电机功率类星体的角色。
Nor could stellar slam dancing explain the narrow jets that emanate from the central powerhouses of many quasars. 而恒星的碰碰舞也无法解释许多类星体活跃的核心所放射出的狭长喷流。
What are quasars and active galactic nuclei? 什么是类星体和活跃星系核?
The quasars are so bright that they probably are consuming their energy resources at a very rapid rate. 类星体非常明亮,因而它们可能正在极其迅速地消耗它们的能源。
In an age of increasing specialization, she maintains a broad range of interests, from interstellar gas to quasars to dark matter, spanning both observation and theory. 在这个各领域越来越讲究专精的年代,她仍保持广泛的研究兴趣,从星际气体到类星体到暗物质,并且横跨了观测与理论的研究。
Astronomers have wondered why quasars in the early universe were much more powerful than present-day AGNs. 对于在早期的宇宙之中,为何类星体比现今的AGN还要来得强大,天文学家曾感到十分惊讶。
It means that there isn't much room for other mechanisms to produce obscured quasars. 这意味着没有其他办法产生很大的空间遮蔽类星体。
Quasars are no larger than our solar system but outshine galaxies of hundreds of billions of stars. 这些恒星状球体并不比我们的太阳系大,但是它却比拥有数十亿星体的星系还要亮很多。
The new observations also suggest that quasars were more common in the early universe than previously thought. 新的发现还表明,在宇宙形成早期,类星体已经普遍存在,比之前科学家估计的数量要多得多。
I study images of quasars giving birth to galaxies, galaxies whirling in the shapes of pinwheels, supernovas ringed by strands of luminous debris. 我研究类星体产生星系的图像,这些星系如同玩具风车一样旋转,超新星周围是一条条由星体遗骸组成的闪闪发光的带状物。
Taken together, the data paint a picture of how quasars form. 将数据综合起来就能够解释类星体形成的全过程。
But many galaxies including the Milky Way host supermassive black holes yet don't generate quasars. 但是,许多星系,包括银河系在内的主机超大质量的黑洞还不会产生类星体。
In other words, quasars were more common in the past because mergers were much more common then. 换句话说,过去类星体比较普遍,正是因为合并过程在以前比较普遍。
For many years, Treister says, astronomers doubted that obscured quasars were very common. 特雷斯特表示,多年来天文学家们一直不相信被遮挡的类星体是很普遍的。
This explains why there are no nearby quasars. 这解释了为什么附近没有类星体。
The Contribution to γ-Ray Background From Radio Quiet Quasars 射电宁静类星体对γ射线背景的贡献
The supermassive black holes that are still active, however, do not exhibit the same behavioral patterns as the distant quasars. 但是,目前仍活跃的超大质量黑洞,其行为模式与遥远的类星体并不相同。