To the extent that an agency exercises "quasi-legislative" or policymaking powers, a substantial measure of political responsiveness and accountability to elected officials seems highly desirable. 从机关行使“准立法”或决策权这一点看,对当选官员在其政治敏感性和负有责任方面采取相当的措施似乎是非常可取的。
Federal administrative bodies issue rules and regulations of a quasi-legislative character. 联邦行政机构发布规章制度是一个准立法行为。
In the power issues, some countries or regions with "the Committee" type of organization, have wide scope of powers with executive power, quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial power, it can fully display authority of the subjects of anti-monopoly administrative enforcement. 在职权设置问题上,有些国家或地区采用委员会式的组织形式,职权范围较为广泛,具有行政权、准立法权、准司法权,其能充分展现反垄断行政执法主体的权威性。