The flame is a quasi-religious emblem of immortality. 火焰可以算作不朽的宗教象征。
When analysts talk about the past three decades of Chinese economic growth it is often in reverential, 8201; quasi-religious terms. 分析师们在谈论过去30年中国的经济增长时,往往会使用满怀敬意的、近乎宗教式的措辞。
The Communist Party is particularly sensitive to the rise of any religious or quasi-religious organisation because of a long history in China of uprisings based on mystical beliefs. 由于中国历史上多次发生基于神秘信仰的起义,中国官方对任何宗教或准宗教组织都十分敏感。
In a sense, the quasi-religious mystique of royalty came full circle with Diana. 就某种意义来说,王室的半宗教神秘性填补了黛安娜的生活。
In the face of such concerns and quasi-religious ethical issues about creating artificial life many synthetic biologists are making a big effort to explain their research to the public and engage with critics. 面对此种担忧以及有关创造人造生命的准宗教伦理问题许多合成生物学家正做出巨大努力,向公众解释自己的研究工作,并与批评者接触。
But, in the US, a generalised attachment to liberty has somehow turned into an unquestioning veneration of the constitution that has become almost quasi-religious. 但是在美国,凡事都扯上自由在某种程度上变成了一种对宪法的绝对崇拜,这差不多已经变成一种准宗教情结了。
They are speaking the language of some kind of religious or quasi-religious desecration. 他们将事态讲成类似宗教,或半宗教性质的亵渎神圣。
Indeed, it is a quasi-religious belief that only fiscal deficits matter: all other balances within the economy will equilibrate automatically. 实际上,这是一种近乎宗教的信仰:只有财政赤字才重要,经济内部的其它失衡会自动恢复平衡。
He has had to deal with a quasi-religious conviction that tax cuts are the engines of growth rather than the makers of mega-deficits as any inspection of recent history will incontestably demonstrate. 奥巴马必须应对一种类似于宗教信仰的看法,即减税是增长引擎,而不是如近期历史无可辩驳地展示的造成巨额赤字。
To Alibaba, which fosters the quasi-religious culture seen in some US technology companies, such questioning is seen as an impertinent affront by box-ticking dullards. 对于拥有与某些美国科技企业类似的准宗教文化的阿里巴巴来说,这种质疑被视为来自官僚主义笨蛋的无礼冒犯。