A method for production of quebrachitol from latex skim on commercial scale by using of extraction process was selected and investigated. 目的:选择适合于工业化生产的从胶清中提取白坚木皮醇的方法。
This method adopted the common chemical engineering techniques as coagulation, concentration and purification of latex skim, then extraction of quebrachitol from inositol derivatives using the chemical resolution method. 方法:运用普通的化工技术对胶清进行凝固、浓缩和净化处理,再采用化学拆分法(Resolution)从肌醇衍生物中提取白坚木皮醇。
Study on Extraction of quebrachitol from natural rubber 从天然橡胶中提取白坚木皮醇的研究