To facilitate this interoperability, Quercus provides an API to invoke the Java libraries from PHP. 为促进这种互操作性,Quercus提供了一个API,以便从PHP调用Java库。
To describe the features of Quercus I'll show you a simple HelloWorld example. 为介绍Quercus的特性,我将向您展示一个简单的HelloWorld示例。
This object is a Java servlet which interfaces with the Quercus library. 这个对象是一个Javaservlet,它提供与Quercus库的接口。
In addition, it also demonstrates the ease and flexibility of Quercus'PHP plus Java mixed approach to Web services and applications. 另外,本文还将展示Quercus针对Web服务和应用程序的“PHP+Java”混合方法的易用性和灵活性。
The variations of cork characters from 10 populations of? Quercus variabilis? in Shaanxi province are analyzed. 对陕西境内10个栓皮栎群体栓皮性状变异情况进行了试验分析。
Analysis of the Main Tree Species Growth Rule and Biomass of Quercus Broadleaved Mixed Forest in Qingyang County 青阳县栎类阔叶林生物量与优势树种生长规律研究
The study showed that the Quercus variabilis communities in different habitats significantly differentiated in their trait parameters. 研究表明:不同生境的栓皮栎种群性状参数分化差异明显。
We examined recalcitrant-seeded species of Quercus, Acer, and Aesculus for biochemical changes that might occur during storage or during desiccation at room temperature. 笔者测定了栎属、槭属和七叶树属顽拗型种子在室温下贮藏或干燥过程中的生化变化。
Photosynthetic characters of Quercus acutissima from different provenances under effects of salt stress 槲栎叶中新三萜衍生物的分离与结构鉴定盐胁迫对不同种源麻栎叶片光合特征的影响
Analysis of density effect of young plantation of Quercus mongolica; 系统研究了花椒全爪螨实验种群的密度效应。
Preliminary Study of cpDNA Variation of Quercus Variabilis Populations 栓皮栎群体cpDNA变异初步研究
Effects of simulated acid rain on Quercus glauca seedlings photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence 模拟酸雨胁迫对青冈幼苗光合特性和叶绿素荧光参数的影响
Structural characteristics of the Quercus variabilis forest community in south area of Taihang Mountains 太行山南麓栓皮栎群落结构特征分析
The Study of Quercus variabilis Seed Storage Methods Based on the Sensitivity of Dehydration 脱水敏感的栓皮栎种子贮藏方法研究
Changes in plant species diversity in a restoration sequence of Quercus variabilis forest stands in Bao Tianman mountain were studied. 对宝天曼地区不同恢复阶段栓皮栎林的高等植物物种多样性特征进行了初步分析。
The Individual Tree Model Research of the Quercus Aliena Being Based on the Thiessen Polygon and ANN 基于ThiessenPolygon和ANN的槲栎单木生长模型的研究
Phenotypic Plasticity of Whole Plant and Leaf Traits in Quercus Acutissima and Robinia Pseudoacacia in Relation to Different Habitats 不同生境下麻栎和刺槐幼苗整株及叶性状的表型可塑性研究
Variation and cluster analyses of morphological characters and nutrient content of Quercus acutissima seed from different provenances 不同种源麻栎种子形态特征和营养成分含量的差异及聚类分析
Most of the Quercus library implementations are wrappers around Java capabilities. 大多数Quercus库的实现都只是对相应Java功能的包装。
The age class structure of Acanthopanax senticosus population was stable in the Quercus mongolica forest, but they were unstable in the theropencedrymion and secondary forest. 对不同生境下刺五加种群的年龄级结构、高度级结构和径级结构进行了研究。
A deciduous tree of the genus Quercus; has acorns and lobed leaves. 栎属的一种落叶树;有橡树果实,叶有裂片。
Community structure and species diversity of a Quercus variabilis forest on Mount Zijinshan 紫金山栓皮栎群落结构及物种多样性
Compared the application of Quercus plants with America and European countries, the intensive study and extensive utilization of Quercus plant resources should be strengthened urgently in China. 与欧美国家对栎属的应用相比,我国对栎属植物的深入研究和园林应用亟待加强。
Covariance analysis suggested that both slope position and altitude had no significant effects on the species abundance patterns of Quercus wutaishanica community in the study area. 协方差分析表明,海拔和坡位都没有对辽东栎林的群落多度格局产生显著影响。
Scott: The threading, caching, and pooling capabilities of the Java platform are critical to the success of Quercus. Scott:Java平台的线程、缓存和池技术是Quercus成功的关键。
Effects of precipitation and interspecific competition on Quercus mongolica and Pinus koraiensis seedlings growth 降水变化和种间竞争对红松和蒙古栎幼苗生长的影响
Analysis of Constructional Characteristic of Quercus Broadleaved Mixed Forest Community in Qingyang County 青阳县栎类阔叶林群落结构特征研究
Optimization of SRAP-PCR System and Genetic Diversity Analysis in Quercus acutissima Carr 麻栎SRAP-PCR体系优化与遗传多样性分析
Close-to-nature Management Parameters and Patterns of Quercus Variabilis Forests in Beijing Region 北京地区栓皮栎林近自然经营参数和模式研究