For travelers with less time, there are great quickie language-learning options, like lessons in conversational Hebrew at a Tel Aviv coffee house or privates lessons in business Spanish at the San Miguel language academy, Academia Hispano Americana. 对于只有短暂时间旅行的人来说,这些都算是不错的语言速成学习选择,像在特拉维夫咖啡馆里的希伯来语对话交流,或在圣米格尔语言学院的商务西班牙语私人课程。
The quickie get results in a week type of diet is not for you as you are discerning and want to reach beyond easy solutions. 一周见效的那种节食方法不适合你,因为你眼光敏锐,不喜欢用那么容易的方法来解决问题。
Gossip Girl is currently filming its series finale in NYC, and all signs point to Chuck and Blair getting married in a quickie ceremony performed by her diminutive stepfather, Cyrus ( Wallace Shawn, who will guest star in the finale). 《绯闻女孩》最后一季现在正在纽约紧张拍摄中。所有迹象都表明,Chuck和Blair会在Blair继父Cyrus主持下,举行一个简短的结婚仪式。
Blair finds out that Chuck is the notorious Gossip Girl, and they plan a quickie wedding before he is arrested for invasion of privacy and slander. Blair发现Chuck就是那个臭名昭著的绯闻女孩,在他因侵犯隐私和诽谤被逮捕之前他们计划了一个匆忙的结婚。
Nonetheless, Congress was flooded with bills proposing everything from quickie tax cuts to protectionist trade curbs. 尽管如此,大量议案仍涌向议会,小到仓促提交的关于减税的提案,大到贸易保护主义的遏制。
You know the quickie Mart down by the pier? 你知道码头那边的大卖场吗?
You want to fly to Haiti for a quickie divorce just for our psyches? 你想去海地快速离婚是为了我们的精神健康?
That your sonwas running a quickie gamein your basement? 你的儿子在你们家的地下室赌博喽?
Just like a young man coming in for a quickie. 就象一个年轻人进来吃了份快餐一样。
Just your basic quickie wedding will be fine. 就你们的基本简易婚礼就行了。
Tower defense games were often a quickie without much involvement and customization. 炮塔防守类的游戏则往往没有大量的参与和定制。
Should we leave so you can have a quickie? 我们是不是该离开好让你们叙叙旧?
My husband and I are so busy that we only have time for quickie. 我丈夫和我都很忙,我们只有时间草草完事。
I've just made some coffee have you time for a quickie? 我刚煮好咖啡&你能抽空儿喝点儿吗?
We're just got time for one more question, so let's have a quickie. 我们还有再提一个问题的时间,让我们赶快提吧。