Pear trees are grafted on quince rootstocks. 梨树被嫁接到榅的根茎上。
The nose is elegant, full of soft and sweet aromas such as quince, honey and spice; these are perfectly balanced with fresher notes of citrus fruit. 闻起来,备感优雅,带有甜香味,如木瓜,蜂蜜和香料;类似于柑橘类的水果味。
Aroma: Very aromatic and expressive bouquet with quince and citrus fruits ( lemon) aromas. This pudding tastes of lemon [ orange]. 香味:非常芬香的口味,并带有温柏花香味和柑桔柠檬水果味.这布丁是柠檬[椅子]味的。
Walking by the quince. 走过榅桲树。
They dined on mince, and slices of quince. 他们吃榅桲,切成片,切成片。
Mommy, wherever she is, susan, quince. 妈爱你,苏珊还有昆斯。
Tree ripe quince is perfect for making the preserves. 树上熟榅桲正好拿来做果酱。
Chinese flowering quince can treat oedema, beriberi, and ameliorable joint. 木瓜可治水肿、脚气病,且可改善关节。
In addition, the portrait is painted with background foliage of myrtle and quince, symbols of love, fecundity and fidelity. 画中的背景图案为象征着爱情、生育力和忠诚的植物&香桃木和温柏树叶。
Put the quince pieces in the pot. 将榅桲块放入锅内。
The research results are useful for the cultivation and production of Chinese quince. 研究结果对木瓜的生产栽培具有指导意义。
Chinese flowering quince includes rich nutrients, therefore our country nutrition scientist recommends it is one of ten kind of best foods, also was our country medical department in 1996 announces it for the medicine, the food dual purpose plant. 木瓜中含有丰富的营养物质,因此我国营养学家推荐其为十种最佳食物之一,也是我国卫生部1996年公布其为药、食两用植物。
Dual Classification of Flowering Quince Resource THE EXPERIMENTS ON THE STORING OF THE FRESH CHINESE QUINCE 二元分类法在皱皮木瓜品种分类中的应用鲜木瓜的贮藏试验
Conclusion: Chinese flowering quince proteinase plus excessive ventilation of the respirator can rapidly induce pulmonary emphysema models with dogs. 结论:木瓜蛋白酶加呼吸机过度通气,能快速诱导大动物肺气肿模型。
Study on technology of extracting oleanolic acid and ursolic acid from Chinese Quince 木瓜中齐墩果酸和熊果酸提取工艺的研究
The results of the experiment indicated that the sand-store are suitable for the Chinese flowering quince with little weightlessness, less reducing sugar and acidity. 试验表明,采用砂贮法保存的木瓜,其失重较少,还原糖和总酸变化较小。
Research, Gather, Classification and Appraisal of the Germplasm Resource of Ornamental Chinese Flowering Quince 观赏木瓜种质资源的调查、收集、分类及评价
Preliminary Report on Observational Study for Flowering and Bearing Habitat of Chinese Flowering Quince 木瓜开花结果习性观察研究初报
Qualitative research on leaves in Chinese flowering quince was done by TLC, and activated oleanolic acid was found. 对宣木瓜叶进行TLC定性研究,发现其中含有具有活性的齐墩果酸。
Research of technics to produce the Chinese quince vinegar with liquid& solid cross-sprinkling fermentation method 液固串淋发酵法生产木瓜果醋技术研究
Study on the Content of Oleanolic Acid in Chinese Flowering Quince Fruit Vinegar by HPLC HPLC测定木瓜果醋中齐墩果酸含量
The experiments on the storing of the fresh Chinese Quince 鲜木瓜的贮藏试验
To study the optimum technology of extracting bioactive component named Oleanolic acid and Ursolic acid in Chinese Quince. 用正交试验法对木瓜中的齐墩果酸和熊果酸的提取工艺进行研究。
Investigation and Classification of Ornamental Flowering Quince Resource 山东观赏木瓜种质资源调查及分类
Research on the rooting of long handsome Chinese flowering quince test tube seedling 2长俊木瓜试管苗生根的研究
Microwave-assisted Extraction of the Active Ingredients in Chinese Flowering Quince 利用微波辅助提取宣木瓜叶中活性物质的研究
In addition, some suggestions on how to ameliorate the chaotic naming situation combining the morphological characteristics and molecular markers as well as some basic principles for utilization and breeding of varieties of Chinese quince fruit were put forward here. 另外,对今后如何改善混乱的命名现状提出了建议,并制定了大规模运用各地种源进行育种时所需遵循的基本原则。