
英 [kwɪpt] 美 [kwɪpt]

v.  讲俏皮话; 讥讽; 嘲弄; 打趣


  1. N-COUNT 俏皮话;谐语;妙语
    A quip is a remark that is intended to be amusing or clever.
    1. The commentators make endless quips about the female players' appearance.
  2. VERB 说俏皮话;口出妙语
    To quip means to say something that is intended to be amusing or clever.
    1. 'He'll have to go on a diet,' Ballard quipped...
    2. The chairman quipped that he would rather sell his airline than his computer systems.


  1. 'He'll have to go on a diet,' Ballard quipped
  2. The chairman quipped that he would rather sell his airline than his computer systems.
  3. Building on Franklin's wisdom ( he also once quipped," Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days"), here are10 tips to keep your UNIX systems humming.
  4. He even quipped that Hollywood films are good for mental health.
  5. No, this is not scotch or rum, he quipped.
  6. In short, she must counteract an impression that she is just likeable enough, as Mr. Obama famously quipped in 2008.
  7. As my friend Bobby quipped once while he was trying to fix my computer: No offense to your aura, but you still don't know shit about downloading software.
  8. ( We're all drunks here, he quipped. We write references for other drunks.) Or was it the quiet intellectual German down the table?
  9. 'If he used his legal income to buy watches, then he had to use illegal income to buy everything else,' quipped a second.
  10. 'Because like all successful singers, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I would overreach and try acting,' he quipped.
  11. In fact, it was 20 years ago that Bill Gates quipped that Retail banks are dinosaurs.
  12. But instead it looks like China is doing it for us, quipped one delegate.
  13. ` Who overslept this morning? 'She quipped.
  14. "I'm surrounded by a group of people that are breaking up fast and furiously and they were the ones ready to talk to me," she quipped.
  15. "Most of the time, I don't have very much fun, and the rest of the time I have no fun at all," quipped director Woody Allen.
  16. "With all the money that we owe China, I think you might correctly say, Hu's your daddy," she quipped.
  17. After all," I've become a nationally recognized philanthropist with other people's money," Feinberg quipped during an interview with the ABA Journal.
  18. "I'm really happy to be on a show that has a theme song," quipped Kim.
  19. Sorry, but that's one thing I cannot do!'he quipped, bursting into a guffaw.
  20. When asked why, he once quipped more suppliers means more competition and better service for the customer.
  21. George Bernard Shaw once quipped that Americans and the English were separated by the same language.
  22. Mind, Rio also quipped in his tweet that Nasri should get Alex Song to sort out his dyed hair and goatee so the Frenchman is still short of perfection in the England skipper's eyes.
  23. Some quipped that someone should forward the memo to all the foreigners arriving in sweat pants and flip flops.
  24. He quipped," now where did I go wrong?"
  25. If I'd known I was going to live here, I'd have done a better job, he quipped in an interview with the Financial Times last year.
  26. Betty smiled lightly and answered," cookies for later."" cool," rick quipped.
  27. He quipped:'It's like giving a glass of ice water to someone in Hell. '
  28. Be quipped by me that is also hidden mermaid in home?
  29. When Franklin quipped that "No nation was ever ruined by trade," he likely meant it as an understatement.
  30. But Kim Jong-il later quipped that he was joking.