诈骗者;敲诈勒索者 A racketeer is someone who makes money from illegal activities such as threatening people or selling worthless, immoral, or illegal goods or services.
A person who collects money, as for racketeers. reclaimed by payment of a ransom. 敲诈勒索者为敲诈而收钱的人通过支付敲诈而被赎回。
The pimps and racketeers on the avenue. 大街上为妓女拉客和进行诈骗的人。
When Park Chung-hee seized power in1961, the junta marched many of the racketeers through Seoul wearing dunce caps and placards with slogans such as "I am a corrupt swine". 当朴正熙1961年掌权时,该统治集团抓了许多诈骗犯在首尔游街,这些人戴着纸帽子、身上贴着诸如“我是一头腐败的猪”这类的标语。