Angel's eye at last fell upon Tess, the hindmost of the four; she, being full of suppressed laughter at their dilemma, could not help meeting his glance radiantly. 安琪尔的眼光终于落在了苔丝的身上。苔丝站在四人队伍的最后,正为她们进退两难而忍不住要笑的时候,接触到他的目光,不禁变得容光焕发。
I walked into David's apartment and saw this picture on his dresser of a radiantly beautiful Indian woman and I asked, Who's that? 我走进大卫的公寓,看见衣柜上的相片,是个光彩夺目的印度女子,我问:她是谁?
Yet not even the most dogged optimistcould say the British family life has radiantly transformed. 然而,连最顽强的乐观者都不能断言英国家庭生活已经发生光辉地巨变。
It was mother's day, 1946.dora had never received such a gift; she had no finery except her wedding ring. speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms. 那是1946年的母亲节。多拉从未收到过这样的礼物;除了结婚戒指外,她没有别的饰物。她一时说不出话来,脸上洋溢着喜色,笑着把儿子揽入怀中。
Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms. 哽咽无语,她把儿子一把揽入怀中,脸上洋溢著动人的光彩。
Similarly, the masters tell us, the qualities of Buddhahood are veiled by the body, and as soon as the body is discarded, they will be radiantly displayed. 同样的,上师告诉我们,佛性被身体隐蔽住了,当身体破败后,它就会显现出来。
'they're going to make me a director,'he said radiantly. “他们想让我当导演,”他喜气洋洋地说。
Smiling radiantly, Wang came out first and asked Hsin-mei and Hung-chien if they found it cold in the living room, then ordered the maid to bring the brazier. 汪处厚先出来,满面春风,问两人觉得客堂里冷不冷,分付丫头去搬火盆。
Smile radiantly; express joy through one's facial expression. 很清朗地笑;通过脸部表情来表达喜悦之情。
Pyramidal cells were scattered radiantly between dense granule cells in DCN, there were giant cells in the central DCN. DCN内有颗粒细胞、锥形细胞和巨细胞。
The classical motion of radiantly charged particle in equally magnetic field 均匀磁场中的辐射带电粒子的经典运动
Based on analyzing the observed data of long term operation, the attenuation law of yields and the control effect of each affecting factor are found out for dug well with infiltration pipes arranged radiantly in river bed after long term operation. 通过对长期运行观测资料的分析,查明了河床辐射井长期运行出水量的衰减变化规律及其影响因素所起的相应控制作用。
The Operation Analysis of Dug Well with Infiltration Pipes Arranged Radiantly in River Bed 集取河床渗透水辐射井的运行分析探讨
Tropical cyclones mainly occur in South Sea of China, Philippines and Marianas, then decrease radiantly; 热带气旋频数的分布大体以中国南海地区、菲律宾群岛以及马里亚纳群岛附近这3个密集区为中心,向各个方向呈辐射状减少;