He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism 戈德温变成政治激进主义者主要是受他的影响。
His radicalism and refusal to compromise isolated him 他的激进主义与拒绝妥协使他受到孤立。
Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism. 琼斯自己是个奇特的混合体,既保守又激进。
She may have divided opinion during her time in politics but everyone will be united today in acknowledging the strength of her personality and the radicalism of her politics. 在她执政期间,人们可能对她看法不一,但在今天,所有人都会一致认可她坚毅的个性和政治理念的激进。
In Libya, the Sept. 11 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi brought into stark relief both the security conundrum and growing radicalism. 在利比亚,美国驻班加西领事馆9月11日遇袭事件说明了安全难题和不断增长的极端主义。
Most of this radicalism was hidden from the British electorate that voted her into office in 1979, largely in frustration with Labour's ineptitude. 她把这种激进主义的大部分内容都隐藏起来,英国选民把她选进政府的主要是出于对工党无能的失望。
For that more radicalism is required than either can deliver, on his own. 因为解决这些问题所需要的激进程度,是他们任何一个人都做不到的。
But he was slow to radicalise, and cautious even as his radicalism grew. 但他思想激化颇慢,就算激进情绪增长,他也是小心翼翼。
Influence of Radicalism Upon Chinese Literature of 20th Century ( I); 激进主义对20世纪中国文学的影响(上)
But behind the scenes the hometown of 18th-century reformer Thomas Paine is living up to his tradition of social radicalism. 但在幕后,这个18世纪改革家托马斯潘恩(thomaspaine)的故乡正在实践其社会激进主义的传统。
For America, the worry is that "clean skin" European citizens, with no known record of radicalism, could be used to attack the United States. 对美国来说,忧虑就是,没有可知的激进主义记录的“皮肤干净的”欧洲公民也可以被用来袭击美国。
The high prices of the1790s threatened the standard of living of the rural poor and gave rise to radicalism. 18世纪90年代的高物价威胁了农村贫民的生活水准,促使激进主义抬头。
These sentiments were rooted in the tradition of radicalism. 这些情绪源于激进主义传统。
Political Radicalism in the Evolution of China ′ s History 政治激进主义在中国演变的历史轨迹
His radicalism did not extend to the sphere of economics. 他的激进主义并未扩展到经济学领域。
Radicalism, cultural or political, was repellent to Roger Sherman's fellow-citizens of Connecticut, the Hartford Wits. 罗杰·谢尔曼的康涅狄格州同胞,哈特福德的才子们不喜欢文化上或政治上的过激主张。
He oscillates between conservatism and radicalism. 他在保守主义和激进主义之间摇摆不定。
It was a stunning act of radicalism, which has lasted. 这在当时是一种令人震惊的激进行为,并一直延续了下来。
One research group says that strong mosque-centered communities may be more effective than law enforcement in preventing radicalism. 一个研究团体说,有清真寺的强大社区可能比执法部门更能有效地防止激进主义。
It would be irresponsible to espouse such radicalism if an alternative might work. 如果还有其他方案可能管用,支持这样的激进主义就是不负责任的。
Her study found that sociologists tended towards liberalism and radicalism. 她的研究发现社会学家有自由主义和激进主义倾向。
Education produced intellectual ferment and the temptations of radicalism. 教育带来知识界的骚动,促使激进主义具有了吸引力。
China's economic strength has also dulled the political appetite for radicalism. 中国经济实力提高,也减少了加速改革的政治胃口。
His radicalism showed itself in his belief that abolition was the only course. 他相信废除蓄奴制是唯一的出路,这明显地反映了他的激进主义。
He says it tries to combat radicalism by educating well-rounded Muslims. 他说,该中心设法通过教育出多才多艺的穆斯林来打击激进主义。
Arab radicalism grew exponentially in the wake of the 1967 war. 一九六七年战争以后,阿拉伯的激进主义飞速地在增长。
He gloried in his radicalism. 他以自己的激进作法而自鸣得意。
The traditions of radicalism and dissent. 激进主义和持不同政见的传统。
In particular, they are not a "middle ground" between radicalism and neoclassicism. 尤其是它们并不是介于激进主义和新古典主义之间的中间地带。
We are using the tools and techniques from SOA but no radicalism about it. 我们使用来自SOA的工具和技术,但并非是SOA激进派。