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  1. These coefficients have been applied to calculate the radiogenic cancer risks for specific organs and radionuclides under different exposure scenarios.
  2. Radiogenic heat, even from a fairly deep-seated uranium orebody, could be measured.
  3. Research on the Probability of Causation for Radiogenic Cancers and Its Calculation Method
  4. Research advances in probability of causation calculation of radiogenic neoplasms
  5. Effect of Aerosol Inhalation of Shenmai Injection on Prevention and Treatment of Radiogenic Stomatitis
  6. Examination of tin by the method of isotopic radiogenic x& ray fluorescence analysis
  7. This paper emphasizes the effect of the dissolution of aluminosilicate during diagenesis may provide more radiogenic strontium which would result in a high content of strontium in carbonate rocks.
  8. This group of elements includes two radiogenic isotope decay systems of 190 Pt 186 Os and 187 Re 187 Os.
  9. The radiogenic heat production rate in the upper crust decreased with the increasing depth. However, they were distributed uniformly within the depth scale of sedimentary basin.
  10. So, there was no evidence of incidence increment of radiogenic cancer in workers exposed to low-level ionizing radiation.
  11. The characteristics of thermal conductivity and radiogenic heat production rate of rocks in the Tarim, Junggar and Qaidam Basins, Northwest China, were analysed systematically based on a large amount of measured data.
  12. Protective effects of diltiazem on radiogenic myocardial damage
  13. Computer Algorithms of Date Equations of Radiogenic and Common Lead
  14. The portable type of isotopic radiogenic X-ray fluorescence analysis is a kind of method of instrumental analysis without the destructive effect on the samples.
  15. The principle of age dating of radiogenic isotope carbon in the Laboratory of Xinjiang Seismological Bureau are described, including sample preprocessing and chemistry preparation, low level measuring method of radioactive age.
  16. Current Status of Tumor Radiogenic Therapy
  17. Radiogenic HPE concentrations and heat production change stepwise as lithology changes downward.
  18. The low Th and U content of the copper ores suggests that the Pb isotopic compositions of this type of ores are normal lead instead of radiogenic lead.
  19. For radiogenic injury, CSF has both protective and therapeutic effects.
  20. From the contents of uranium, thorium and POtassium, radiogenic heat producing ratios were calculated for rocks and ores of the uranium vein, and the relation between quartz thermoluminescence intensity and radiogenic heating rate is discussed.
  21. AIM To observe the changes of cTn-T, CK-MB and myocardial ultrastructure calcoglobules in radiogenic cardionecrosis and to study the effect of diltiazem on myocardium.
  22. Rare gas is an important constituent for indicating natural gas geochemical characteristics. Radiogenic argon ( 40Arr) is widely applied to isotope chronology and gas and source rock correlation.
  23. Usually the radiogenic heat production is determined from the potassium ( K), uranium ( U) and thorium ( Th) content and the rock density.
  24. Calculations of radiogenic cancer risk are based on the risk projection models for specific cancer sites.
  25. Valid mineral isochrons can be expected to date the timing of metamorphic resetting only if the mineral of high parent/ daughter ratio has fast rate of radiogenic isotope diffusion during the metamorphic resetting.
  26. Therefore, the radiogenic heat is thought to be a main metallogenic heat source for granite-type uranium deposits in the studied uranium orefield.
  27. Previous studies on granitoids in the Dabie orogen mainly focused on the North Dabie Zone. In this study, a systematic study on the geochronology, major and trace elemental chemistry, and radiogenic isotope composition of granitoids from other units of the Dabie orogen was conducted.
  28. Cancers induced by ionizing radiation are called radiogenic cancers or radiogenic neoplasms.