Three of them were portresses, and the fourth was a rag-picker with her basket on her back. 其中的三个是看门的。另一个是拾破烂的,她背上背个筐,手里提着一根带钩的棍。
"Ah, that's true," replied the rag-picker, with deference," I have a profession." “是啊,这是真话,”那拾破烂的妇人谦卑地说,“我总算还有个职业。”
Beneath this long, arched drain which terminated at the Arche-Marion, a perfectly preserved rag-picker's basket excited the admiration of all connoisseurs. 在通到马利容桥的拱形长巷中,有一个拾破烂的背篓保存得完好无缺,识货的人啧啧称赞。
This rag-picker was a grateful creature, and she smiled, with what a smile! On the three portresses. 那个背筐拾破烂的妇人识得好歹,她对那三个看门婆微笑,何等的微笑!
"By touching the bag and feeling it, the rag-picker knows its value," says a scientist. “只要摸一摸,拾荒者就知道这种塑料袋值多少钱”,一个科学家这样说。