Rah is used to run a command on all machines that make up the partitioned environment. rah用于在组成分区环境的所有机器上运行一个命令。
All of us have had people who were obstacles, who were bad examples. Sharing that is just as important as going, 'Rah, rah! 我们总会遇上讨厌的人,分享坏榜样对你的发展同样重要。
All personal best kind of stuff, not rah rah team cheerleading. 带领拉拉队呼喊不是一件好事情。
Theresa Rah, communications director of the group promoting Pyeongchang, told committee members it is time once again to bring the winter Olympics to Asia. 平昌申奥委外联主任特丽萨.瑞告诉奥委会成员,现在又一次是在亚洲举行冬奥会的时候了。
An experimental investigation has been carried out in a large size enclosure of aspect ratio equals to 1. Much needed experimental data up to RaH of 3.61 × 1010 have been obtained. 本文对高宽比等于1的大尺寸封闭空间实验台用水作为对象进行了实验研究,获得了急需的高Ra数条件下封闭空间内换热的实验数据。