PHRASE 复苏;重振 If something is back on the rails, it is beginning to be successful again after a period when it almost failed.
They are keen to get the negotiating process back on the rails... 他们热切希望使谈判重新步入正轨。
Her career is back on the rails. 她的事业得以重振。
PHRASE (行为)越轨,不规矩 If someone goes off the rails, they start to behave in a way that other people think is unacceptable or very strange, for example they start taking drugs or breaking the law.
They've got to do something about these children because clearly they've gone off the rails. 他们必须得管管这些孩子了,因为他们实在太不像话了。
He railed against hypocrisy and greed 他痛斥伪善和贪婪的行为。
I'd cursed him and railed at him. 我曾诅咒并且大声责骂过他。
He railed at the world for its neglect of his genius. 他怨世人不能赏识他的才华。
Mr Putin railed against the US and warned Nato off Georgia. 普京对美国展开了抨击,并警告北约不要插手格鲁吉亚事务。
The dangerous trail was railed to protect tourists. 这条危险的小道围了栏杆,以保护游客。
Leibniz was isolated and he railed against the teachings of the universities. Leibniz是孤立的,他责骂大学的教育。
Behind our house was a small railed garden. 我们的房子后面有一个栏杆围起来的花园。
Tax havens have proliferated even as the politicians have occasionally railed against them. 即使偶尔受到政客的抨击,避税天堂仍然得以迅速发展。
David Webb, an independent investor and corporate governance activist, has also railed against the proposal. 独立投资者和企业治理维权人士戴维韦伯(davidwebb)也表示反对这项合并计划。
She railed against the poorquality diagnostic tests; it took three months to learn she had MDR-TB, which meant that during those three months she was taking drugs that were ineffective. 她抱怨诊断检测质量差,她等了3个月才知道自己患的是耐多药结核病,结果她白白服了三个月的药。
So many people had fallen into the pond that it had to be railed off. 有那么多的人掉进了池塘,所以一定要用栏杆围起来。
They railed off a space for the horses. 他们用栏杆隔开一块空地来圈马。
They railed the meadows off from the new railway cutting. 他们用栏杆将草地和新修的铁道路堑隔开。
Government officials on both sides of the Atlantic have railed against the agencies. 大西洋两边的政府最近都对于这些信用评级机构猛烈抨击。
The bottom of the garden was railed off to stop the children straying into the road. 花园的尽头用栏杆隔开,以防止小孩走到大路上去。
Many argue that its inclusion would buttress a system that independent India's first leaders railed against. 许多人称这一举措所支持的系统会令独立印度的首任主席严词谴责。
If you read any of my match commentary, I often railed on the crowd's behavior. 如果你读过我之前的一些评论的话,就知道我对观众的行为很不满意。
They're railed off the yard. 他们把院子用栏杆围起来了。
As ever, Wenger railed on the touchline against some of Chelsea's physical stuff. 和往常一样,温格在球场边不断地抱怨着切尔西的一些身体冲撞。
She railed at him for his laziness. 她因他懒惰而责备他。
Or is he the community organiser from Chicago with tight links to unions, who railed against corporate profits in his campaign and vowed to alter the North American Free Trade Agreement? 他是不是在选战中痛斥公司利润,誓言改变北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA),来自芝加哥而且与工会有着紧密联系的社区干事?
Part of the playing field had been railed off for use as a car park. 游乐场的一部分已被围起来作停车场用。
He had been railed against by them as a prig and a poseur. 他们责骂他是一个沾沾自喜、装腔作势的人。
Bosses such as Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs have railed against the provision, saying it will harm American firms, but it is likely to stay. 而老板们,比如高盛全球董事长劳埃德.布兰克费恩对这条规定提出了异议,指责这样会损害美国公司的利益,但政府似乎有意要保留这项条款。
They railed in a piece of ground for an experiment plot. 他们用栏杆围起一块地来作为试验田。
Wenger has railed at the busy fixtures list and its demands on his squad. 温格已经对繁忙的赛程和对他的队员们的需求开始抱怨。
The policies I have seen are either crazy ( one protester railed on a video about closing the Federal Reserve and abolishing fiat money) or have little chance of gaining wide support. 我所见到他们提出的政策要么很疯狂(一名抗议者在一段视频中大喊着要求关闭美联储(Fed)并废除法币),要么不太可能获得广泛支持。
The night was warm, and smelled of flowering these in the railed front garden of the old house. 这是个暖和的夜晚,陈年的老屋前面有围栏的花园里正在开花的树丛飘来阵阵清香。
The cliff edge is dangerous and should be railed. 崖边危险,应该用栏杆围起来。
We railed in part of the pasture to prevent the cattle from wandering. 我们把牧场的一部分用栏杆围起来,以防牛群走失。