Sudden rainstorms would bring the mountain torrents rushing down. 突然的暴雨会使山洪暴发。
It is mainly a result of natural causes, like the sharp weather changes from extreme droughts to heavy rainstorms. 主要是由自然因素造成的,比如剧烈的气候变化,从大旱到强烈暴风雨频繁。
Rainstorms pounded the Chinese capital Thursday afternoon. The storms delayed over 140 flights, slowed road traffic and disrupted the operation of two subway lines in the afternoon rush hours. 大雨导致140架航班被延误,阻碍道路交通并造成了下班高峰期的两条地铁线路停运。
Serious rainstorms have left 16 people dead and 19 missing since Sunday in China, said the Ministry of Civil Affairs here on Wednesday. 本周三民政部最新消息:自上周日起,中国大部分地区的暴雨天气已造成16人死亡,19人受伤。
Almost all marine pollution originally comes from land, either directly washed in during rainstorms, deliberately dumped as waste or discharged via outfall pipes. 差不多所有污染物也来自陆地,部份直接由雨水冲入海洋,部份由人类蓄意抛弃或经排污渠排入海中。
A compare study of impacts on southeast Hubei Province from rainstorms of northwest Hunan Province 湘西地区川东獐牙菜上茄粗额蚜的研究湘西北暴雨对鄂东南降雨影响的合成对比分析
Larve said the El Nino will not result in rainstorms but will contribute to the forming of them. Intergovernmental Meeting of Experts on El Nino 拉伏说,厄尔尼诺不会产生暴风雨,但是会给严重暴风雨的形成提供条件。厄尔尼诺问题政府间专家会议
Like many other places with a hilly terrain, Hong Kong has been subjected to threats of landslides when heavy rainstorms occur. 像许多其它山区一样,香港受到严重暴雨期间滑坡的威胁。
The research on methods of forecasting local rainstorms in low latitude area using the neural network 低纬度地区局地暴雨的神经网络预报方法研究
The official media of DPRK reports that the country has been under "severe attacks" of rainstorms for three days since the beginning of this week, which has caused dozens of people's death and missing. 北韩官方的媒体表示,这个星期开始以来,境内已经遭到三天的豪雨「严重侵袭」,已经造成数十人丧生或失踪。
Freezing in winter, windy in spring, and either too dry or too often visited by rainstorms in summer. 冬天冷,春天多风,夏天不是干旱就是大雨倾盆;
The time distribution of emergency operation and management countermeasure in hospital Spatial Distribution of Rainstorms of Tianjin in 9 Durations 我院急诊手术的时间分布规律及管理对策天津市时段暴雨量空间分布规律分析
It pointed out that this chaos is caused by the "rainstorms unseen for years in the region". 它指出,这场混乱系由「该地区数年来未曾见过的滂沱大雨」造成。
Sudden rainstorms are frequent on this coast. 这一带海岸经常发生暴风雨。
According to the National Meteorological Center, the rainstorms will continue to batter the country's southern and eastern regions over the weekend. 根据国家气象中心报道,周末暴雨将继续袭击中国南部和东部地区。
Weather officials say that the rainstorms in Seoul and the middle region have weakened. 气象官员表示,袭击汉城与中部地区的暴雨已经开始减弱。
Eight people have died in rainstorms that have lashed central china's Hubei Province since. 中国中部八人死于新一轮的暴风雨。
Heavy rainstorms in some areas with poor sanitation would also lead to the spread of diseases. 在卫生条件较差的地区,猛烈的暴风雨也会导致疾病的传播。
The rainstorms caused floods in the low-lying parts of the town. 暴风雨在该城的低洼地区造成了水灾。
Crops were laid flat by heavy rainstorms. 暴风雨使庄稼倒伏在田里。
Spatial Distribution of Rainstorms of Tianjin in 9 Durations 天津市时段暴雨量空间分布规律分析
The water flow from a soggy location often has a backwash, or slow moving drainage, and thus becomes almost stagnant or accumulates during rainstorms. 来自于湿润地区的水流经常会发生回流,或者是排除缓慢,并因此在暴风雨期间变得只增不减。
In a heavy rainstorms when Anzheluo falls fall into one of the mezzanine floor, his every soaked, routed. 在一场暴风雨来临的时候,安哲罗失足跌进了一间阁楼里,他浑身湿透,狼狈不堪。
Rainstorms triggered numerous slope debris flows with great damage to highways and rivers in the past two years. 在过去的两年内暴雨引发大量的坡面泥石流,对山区公路和河流造成危害尤为严重。
Rainstorms have hit many provinces since the weekend. 周末以来,暴雨袭击了多个省份。
Sudden rainstorms are frequent on the coast. 这里的海岸常有忽然的暴风雨。
By summer, rainstorms break up the dust and help reduce pollution in the air. 到了夏天,暴风雨将会驱散沙尘,减少空气污染。
You have cited projects in Seattle that can help ensure fish eggs don't get flushed away during rainstorms. 你曾经提到过西雅图有一些可以帮助确保鱼卵不被暴雨冲走的项目。
More areas will be affected by drought, while heavy rainstorms will be more common. 受干旱影响的地方将会增多,同时猛烈的暴风雨也会更加常见。
Frequency Characteristics of Rainstorms in Flood Season of Guangxi and Correlation to the Onset Time of South China Sea Summer Monsoon 广西汛期暴雨特征及其与南海夏季风建立期的关系