An expressionless man with a moustache arrives with our starters, putting a dish of yoghurt raita, a plate of chopped cucumber and carrots on a small glass table, as well as two bowls of clear vegetable soup. '' 一个面无表情的大胡子男人端上了我们的头盘,把一碟酸奶沙拉、一碟碎黄瓜和胡萝卜放在了一个小玻璃桌上,还有两碗蔬菜清汤。
Raita is a yogurt based dish that is served over spicy Indian dishes such as the Potato Pea Curry in the Main Dishes section of our recipes. 凉拌酸奶沙拉是以酸奶为基础的食品,它一般在一些辛辣的印度食品例如马铃薯豌豆咖喱饭中提供&详细内容在我们的主食配方中。