Ramona spoke with warmth when she recollected the doctor who used to be at the county hospital 拉蒙纳回忆起曾在乡村医院工作的那位医生时,言语中透着温情。
Ramona was sleeping far over on one side of the bed, her right buttock off the edge. 瑞摩娜远远地靠在床的一边睡觉,她的右半个屁股露出床缘了。
Ramona knew how to cook, and how to set a table. 雷蒙娜是位烹调能手,而且懂得如何布置餐桌。
Ramona Flower, the American deliver girl, is so weird all the way by my standard with hair color changed every week and a half, stupid hippie outfits like tingling-dangling drug user. 拉蒙娜花是个美国来加拿大的女孩,为了逃避以往混乱感情的困扰来到这个陌生地方生活,并给一个快递公司打工送货。
Maybe Ramona should just run away too, or, maybe her heartfelt antics are just what her family needs in order to find the right path. 又或者,也许正是她这些真心真意的搞怪行为帮助家里找到了解决问题的出路。
Ramona: And who was that great man? 拉蒙娜:那个伟人是谁呢?
Whether it's at school or at home, Ramona's creative thinking is always getting her into trouble, and her wild imagination sometimes keeps her up at night. 无论在学校还是家里,雷蒙娜的奇思妙想总是带来麻烦;有时,她那过于奔放的想象力会让她整夜睡不着。
Eloise grabbed Ramona's ankles and half lifted and half pulled her over to the middle of the bed. 艾萝依抓起瑞摩娜的膝盖,半举半拖把她给弄到床的中间。
She stooped over, losing her balance, and began to tuck in the blankets of Ramona's bed. 她弯下腰,摇摇晃晃地站不稳,把瑞摩娜床上的毯子盖好。
From lemonades stands to car washes to auditioning for a commercial, Ramona tries everything she can think of to earn the cash her parents need. 从摆摊卖柠檬水到洗车服务,再到为商业广告试镜,雷蒙娜想方设法地赚钱以解父母之忧。
She picked up Ramona's glasses and, holding them in both hands, pressed them against her cheek. 她拿起瑞摩娜的眼镜,然后将之握在双手,把它按在她的脸颊上。
One of Ramona's galoshes was lying on the landing. 瑞摩娜的一只套鞋正躺在落脚处。
I am Ramona's first evil ex-boyfriend. 我是Ramona第一个邪恶前男友。
Ramona does a lot of jobs in the house, but her sister doesn't. 雷蒙娜在家里做很多活,可是她妹妹却不做。
Ramona will feed you, give you wine, remove your shoes, flatter you, smooth down your hackles. 雷蒙娜会把你喂得饱饱的,给你酒喝,替你脱掉鞋子,奉承你,平息你的怒气。
Ramona: if that's true, I suppose it's not such a bad idea. 雷蒙纳:真是这样的话,我想这是个不错的作法。
Ramona had not learned those erotic monkeyshines in a manual. 雷蒙娜的那些风流勾当,并不是从手册之类的书中学来的。
As application examples, the comparable numerical results are given for the computer simulation of this algorithm and the RAMON A algorithm. 作为应用举例,本文同时给出了新算法与现已报导的RAMONA波瓣置零综合算法的计算机仿真的数值比较结果。
Combined with linguistic stylistics, an overall analysis and interpretation of Ramona and Her Father follows these three steps: Description Interpretation Evaluation from the perspectives of stylistic features on lexical and syntactical levels in Chapter Three. 第三章结合语言文体学理论,按照描写阐释评价这三个步骤,分析了小说的词汇和句法文体特征。