(枪的)通条,洗杆,装药棒,推弹杆 A ramrod is a long, thin rod which can be used for pushing something into a narrow tube. Ramrods were used, for example, for forcing an explosive substance down the barrel of an old-fashioned gun, or for cleaning the barrel of a gun.
PHRASE (坐姿或立姿)非常僵直地,直挺挺地 If someone sits or stands like a ramrod or straight as a ramrod, they have a very straight back and appear rather stiff and formal.
...a woman with iron grey hair, high cheekbones and a figure like a ramrod. 一位铁灰色头发、高颧骨、腰板笔直的女士
...his dashing military moustache and straight-as-a-ramrod back. 他那翘起的小胡子和笔直的背部
ADJ (身体)笔直的,僵直的 If someone has a ramrod back or way of standing, they have a very straight back and hold themselves in a rather stiff and formal way.
I don't have the ramrod posture I had when I was in the Navy. 我现在没有当海军时那样笔挺的身姿了。
Ramrod is also an adverb.
At 75, she's still ramrod straight. 她已经75岁了,腰板仍然笔直。
I don't have the ramrod posture I had when I was in the Navy. 我现在没有当海军时那样笔挺的身姿了。
Standing ramrod straight at the sides of the massive mausoleums commemorating King Vittorio Emanuele II and his son Umberto I, they are meant to remain silent, though more often than not they end up fielding questions from inquisitive tourists. 仪仗队卫兵笔直地站在维托里奥·埃马努埃莱二世(KingVittorioEmanueleII)和儿子翁贝托一世(UmbertoI)宏伟的陵墓两侧,他们本应该保持沉默,但却常常要应付好奇的游客提出的各种问题。
And the soldier, turning the ramrod, glanced gloomily at Pierre. 那个士兵转动着通条,冷冷地向皮埃尔瞥了一眼。
Ramrod a bill through Congress 强使国会通过一项法案
On another occasion during manoeuvres at Leghorn in1804 a French soldier fired his ramrod, which accidentally killed a civilian spectator. 又法军一八○四年曾在来亨演习,一名士兵射出推弹杆,意外夺去一个旁观平民的性命。
The smiles will be wooden, the backs ramrod straight. 他们的笑容僵硬,腰杆笔直。
Tom flies out of the door, ramrod in one hand and rifle in the other. 汤姆飞快地跑出门,一手拿推弹杆,一手拿步枪。
Unfortunately he got in the way of the volley and was transfixed by a ramrod: eighteen soldiers had failed to remove their ramrods from the barrels before firing. 大家开枪时,他不巧走到射程之内,被一枝推弹杆射中:有十八名士兵开枪前忘了拿出推弹杆。
The soldiers stood at ramrod attention. cause to overturn from an upright or normal position. 士兵们笔直地立正。从一个竖直或者正常地位置推翻。
She sat there on the edge of her chair, her back as stiff as a ramrod the whole evening. 她整个傍晚都后背挺得直直地坐在椅子的边沿上。
The young man with ramrod posture and a head of thick, dark hair moved east at 18 to study electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of technology before earning a Masters in business administration at Harvard. 这位身材挺拔、一头浓密黑发的年轻人在18岁时搬到美国东部,前往麻省理工学院(mit)攻读机电工程,之后又在哈佛大学(harvard)拿到了工商管理硕士(mba)学位。
This was a hydraulic press, and consisted of a large cylinder containing a piston with a ramrod which was applied to the material to be pressed; 这是一个水压机,由一个大的圆筒和之内的一个带连杆的活塞组成,它们对被压的材料产生压力。