
英 [ˈrænsəmd] 美 [ˈrænsəmd]

v.  (为某人)交付赎金


  1. N-VAR 赎价;赎金
    A ransom is the money that has to be paid to someone so that they will set free a person they have kidnapped.
    1. Her kidnapper successfully extorted a £75,000 ransom for her release...
    2. The president has said the United States will never pay ransom for the hostages...
    3. The ransom demand was made by telephone.
  2. VERB 赎回;赎出
    If you ransom someone who has been kidnapped, you pay the money to set them free.
    1. The same system was used for ransoming or exchanging captives.
  3. PHRASE 劫持(某人)勒索金钱;绑票;绑架
    If a kidnapper is holding someone to ransom or holding them ransom in British English, or is holding a person for ransom in American English, they keep that person prisoner until they are given what they want.
    1. He is charged with kidnapping a businessman last year and holding him for ransom...
    2. In Rio, nearly forty people have been held to ransom this year alone...
    3. A busload of schoolchildren were held ransom until the gang were given a plane.
  4. PHRASE 威胁;胁迫
    If you say that someone is holding you to ransom in British English, or holding you for ransom in American English, you mean that they are using their power to try to force you to do something which you do not want to do.
    1. Unison and the other unions have the power to hold the Government to ransom.
  5. PHRASE 一大笔钱;巨款
    If you refer to a sum of money as a king's ransom, you are emphasizing that it is very large.
    1. ...clients happy to pay a king's ransom for a haircut.


  1. Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over?
  2. And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
  3. Most of the pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia or in the Malacca Strait involve oil tankers that are ransomed.
  4. Dear dying lamb, thy precious blood shall never lose its power, till all the ransomed Church of God be saved to sin no more.
  5. That thou might'st ransomed be, And quickened from the dead;
  6. They ransomed the kidnapped child with a great sum of money.
  7. Her father ransomed her for a million dollars.
  8. A month later Houtman was ransomed.
  9. His wife ransomed him at a heavy price.
  10. It was as the Lamb slain in the midst of the throne that in that wonderful fifth chapter of Revelation He receives the worship of the ransomed and the angels and all creation.
  11. Look at the opportunity for service which you have and consider it a cup or a vessel and pour into it all your life, all your being, all your being's ransomed powers.



  1. reclaimed by payment of a ransom

    1. saved from the bondage of sin

        Synonym:    redeemed