The more technology we have, the more dangerous we are to ourselves and entire humankind, Mr. Rao said. 我们掌握的技术越多,我们对自己和整个人类来说就越危险,饶毅说。
Disturbed by the recent study, Rao Yi, a professor of biology and director of the four-year-old Center of Life Sciences at Peking University, run jointly with Tsinghua University, warned that scientific research in China urgently needed more effective ethical oversight. 最近的这项研究让北京大学-清华大学生命科学联合中心主任、生物学教授饶毅备受困扰。他警告称,中国的科学研究亟需更加有效的伦理监督。该联合中心成立了四年。
Rao reiterates Prime Minister Singh will not be negotiating on certain issues that are at the core of India's stance. 拉奥琪重申,辛格总理将不会就某些涉及印度核心立场的议题进行谈判。
Rao Zhou, graduated from Hunan University of Science and Technology, majored in Primary Education. 饶舟,毕业于湖南科技大学小学教学专业。
Rao Yi, a neuroscientist at Peking University in Beijing, takes a more nuanced stand in support of Tu. 北京大学的神经生物学家饶毅支持屠呦呦的立场则更细致入微。
Mr Rao said he understood that foreign media organisations may have their own stance on reporting on China, but they had to uphold basic journalistic ethics and stay faithful to the facts. 饶先生说他理解国外媒体组织在对于中国的报道上,许有他们自己的特定立场,但是他们必须坚持新闻工作者起码的职业道德,要忠于事实。
Prof Rao, a businessman more than an academic and armed with practical experience rather than research, is one of a new breed of business school teachers. 拉奥教授是新一代商学院教师中的一员。与其说他是一个搞学术的,不如说他是一个商人,他的实践经验胜过研究工作。
With this value, they can be regarded as supplement of Zhu Rao's Fu theory. 具有独特的价值,可视为对祝尧赋论的补充。
Rao is likely to win, says the editorial. 《自然》杂志的社论说饶毅很可能会赢。
The former director of the CSIR Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, A.V.Rama Rao, says the agency should set up an independent division to identify research findings worth patenting. CSIR所属的印度化学技术研究所前任所长A.V.RamaRao则表示,科学与工业研究理事会应该建立一个独立的部门来识别哪些研究值得申请专利。
"So far, it's hard to see any direct impact on Toyota's sales," said Rao Da, general secretary of the China Passenger Car Association, an industry group. “迄今为止,很难看出对丰田销量有任何直接影响,”一家企业集团,中国乘用车联合的会秘书长RaoDa说。
"Yes, like your accountant," said Rao with a smile. “是的,和你的会计师一样,”Rao笑着说。
RAO: You never showed them to anybody? 主持人:你从没有给人看过这些照片吗?
As Professor Rao points out, there are very few individuals who excel at both types of task. 正如Rao教授所指出的,很少有人能够同时胜任这两种任务。
Hi, I'm Anjali Rao in TaiPei. 嗨,我是安姿丽劳在台北。
Rao Yi, a Chinese biologist with Peking University, and formerly of Northwestern University in the United States, welcomed the plan. 之前在美国西北大学任职的北京大学生物学家饶毅对该规划表示欢迎。
As Ambassador Rao once commented to me, Southeast Asia begins in Northeast India. 正如拉奥琪大使曾经对我说过的,东南亚起于印度东北部。
The two leaders also signed a series of bilateral memoranda, including a deal between Italy's Enel utility and Russia's power company Inter RAO. 这两位领导人还签署了一系列双边备忘录,包括意大利国家水电公司和俄罗斯“国际统一电力系统”集团之间的贸易协议。
Rao said that so far he has not seen a rigorous selection mechanism in place. 但饶毅说,迄今为止,他还没看到这样一个强有力的选拔机制到位。
Rao included some of their findings in an article he posted online. 饶毅将他们的部分研究发现包括在一篇博文中。
Rao Dejiang: professor, School of Journalism& Communication, Wuhan University, majoring in communication and advertisement. 章俊:武汉大学新闻与传播学院博士生,研究广告传播。
Koteshwar Rao said Tuesday that both sides should put down their weapons and suggested names of potential mediators. 拉奥星期二表示,双方应该放下武器,并提出可能的调停人的名字。
Many, however, would accept Prof Rao's hypothesis. 然而,很多人会接受拉奥的假设。
Topic: The Impact of Rao's Economic Reform on Centre-state Relations in India 拉奥经济改革对印度中央地方关系的影响
Rao R Z.Pattern characteristics of collimated laser beam in a turbulent atmosphere II. 饶瑞中。湍流大气中准直激光束的光斑特征II。
I was pleased to see Rao enjoy himself too. 我还高兴地看到拉奥也很痛快。
Rao's site has hundreds of part-time volunteers worldwide, compiling and translating foreign media reports. 饶的网站上有数百名世界各地的兼职志愿者进行外媒报道的编译工作。
Mr Rao thinks that much of the hypocrisy and bias he sees in the western media would disappear if reporters came to study the facts. 饶谨认为,如果记者能研究事实真相,他在西方媒体上看到的虚伪和偏见大多都会消失。
Rao argues against an "inbred academic system", while Cui accuses him of" belittling plant anatomy ". 饶毅反对“一种世袭的学术系统”,而崔克明指控他“贬低植物形态解剖学”。
As Foreign Secretary, Ambassador Rao helped shape every advance we made in U.S.-Indian relations in recent years, and both India and the United States are lucky to have her here. 作为外交秘书(ForeignSecretary),拉奥琪大使曾帮助打造了美印关系近年来取得的每一项进步,她能来这里赴任,印度和美国真是有幸之至。