I noticed that everyone was watching me with rapt attention 我注意到大家都在专注地看着我。
Delegates sat in rapt silence as Mrs Fisher spoke 费希尔夫人发言的时候,代表们都一言不发专心致志地听着。
Phillips had a rapt expression on his face 菲利普斯表情很专注。
He had held his audience rapt. 他令听众们都听入了迷。
The audience is all concentrating with rapt attention on taking notes. 人们都在全神贯注地记笔记。
Everybody listened to his story with rapt attention. 大家听他讲故事,都听得入迷了。
The child listened to the story with rapt attention, wide-eyed and dumb with wonder. 孩子听故事听得入了神,傻呵呵地瞪大了两只眼睛。
I forgot all else, I shunned all the world, I gazed in rapt contemplation at the image I had set upon the altar. 我忘掉一切,我躲避大千世界,我神注目夺地凝视着我安放在龛里的偶像。
A painter, a physical therapist, a prison nurse& they all seemed rapt on Wednesday, as they have been all along. 一位画家、一位心理治疗师、一位监狱护士&周三似乎都全神贯注,就像他们一直以来的那样。
Hermione, on the other hand, was listening to Lockhart with rapt attention and gave a start when he mentioned her name. 可赫敏却全神贯注地聆听着,洛哈特突然提到了她的名字,把她吓了一跳。
What are you rapt in? So dedicated! 你在看什么?这么专注啊!
He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. 对这种情怀感到陌生的人,已不再能惊叹、不再能在敬畏之中保持全神贯注,这种人就跟死了一样。
Listened to the speaker with rapt admiration. 带着着迷的敬意聆听讲演者。
Then, I was rapt in the vision. 那时我沉浸在如醉如痴的幻想中。
Claud was staring at me, rapt. 克劳德两眼盯着我,看得都出神了。
We listened to her amazing story with rapt attention. 我们全神贯注地倾听她讲的惊人故事。
NIM sensed, among his audience, rapt and immediate interest. 尼姆意识到听众中顿时产生一种着了迷似的兴趣。
Do I have everyone's rapt attention? We have a lot to go over today. 每个人都注意了吗?今天要做的事很多。
The disgusted gesture with which Jastrow turns his page surprises an uncertain laugh from the rapt audience. 杰斯特罗翻讲稿的那种满怀厌恶的手势,意想不到地使凝神细听的听众犹疑不定地笑了起来。
She sat with a rapt expression reading her book. 她坐着专心致志地看书。
Before that she had attracted rather little national attention beyond the rapt circles of the tea-party movement. 此前一直默默无闻的她因茶党团的运动才受到了国人的关注。
After she finished the whole poem word-perfectly, my friends and I were already rapt in wonder. 女孩一字不落的背诵完整首诗,我和同去的伙伴早已看得目瞪口呆。
They held the audience completely rapt. 他们使观众忘情入迷。
He listened to the music with rapt attention. 他屏气凝神地听着音乐。
It encourages the would-be American poet to rely too exclusively on a rapt and bardic intuition. 它鼓励未来的美国诗人完全依靠发狂似的诗人的直觉。
Yet again, Chelsea's steel glinted in front of a rapt audience. 切尔西的抢断再一次在着魔的观众前闪光。
For an hour my audience listened in rapt silence. 我的听众整整一小时安静地全神贯注听我讲话。
As I faced a crowd of well-dressed financial advisers from Premier Wall Street banks, there were cheers and rapt applause. 当我面对来自华尔街顶尖银行的衣履光鲜的理财顾问们时,人群中爆发出了欢呼声和热烈的掌声。
They strike me as changed and rapt beyond my sphere. 我发现他们变了,着了魔似地,超出了我的范畴。
Or perhaps you had a particularly good time with some girls where you were on a role telling stories and they all laughed, rapt with attention. 或者你和一些女孩有特别美好的时光,你说故事,女孩们带着微笑全神贯注的听。