VERB 正式签署;批准;认可 When national leaders or organizations ratify a treaty or written agreement, they make it official by giving their formal approval to it, usually by signing it or voting for it.
The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty. 澳大利亚和印度尼西亚的国会尚未批准该条约。
Usually it holds only two annual meetings, each lasting a few days, but it mostly ratifies decisions made by the ruling KWP. 通常每两年召开一次大会,每次会议要持续很多天,但多数情况下只是批准通过劳动党所做的决议。
22.If a minor ratifies a contract upon reaching the age of majority, he or she is then bound to it. 如未成年人在达到法定年龄时追认合同,他/她便应受合同之约束。
To say that we are bound together as one people, and must constantly strive to see ourselves in one another, is not to argue for a false unity that papers over our differences and ratifies an unjust status quo. 说我们是同是彼此关联的一个国家的人民并且必须努力彼此认同理解,并不是主张一种虚假的统一性,掩饰我们之间的差异和认可不公正的现状。
If the issuing agency ratifies the transaction by supplying a licence for import, the Customs may, exercising discretion in light of the circumstances, give clearance to the goods after imposing a fine. 经发证机关核准补证进口的,海关可以酌情处以罚款后放行。
Checks and ratifies staff's salary grade. 员工工资级别的核定。
If he ratifies our contract. 如果他同意了这笔合同。
1788-New York ratifies the United States Constitution and is admitted as the11th state of the United States. 1788年的今天,纽约批准通过美国宪法,被承认为美国的第11个州。
1784-American Revolutionary War: The United States ratifies a peace treaty with England. 1784年的今天,美国独立战争:美国批准了一项与英国的和平条约。
Each Member which ratifies this Convention undertakes to give complete effect to its provisions in the manner set out in Article VI in order to secure the right of all seafarers to decent employment. 批准本公约的各成员国承诺按第六条规定的方式全面履行公约的规定,以确保海员体面就业的权利。
Unless, and until, the Senate ratifies it, China can point to US double standards. 除非(直到)参议院批准美国加入该公约,中国可以一直指责美国采用双重标准。
1947-New Zealand ratifies the Statute of Westminster and thus becomes independent of legislative control by the United Kingdom. 1947年,纽西兰经威斯特敏斯特法令批准,从英国那里获得了独立立法的权力。