Kant's moral theory is called a rationalistic theory of value because he believes that reason alone, through the investigation of our moral concepts, can discover what we ought to do. 康德相信,通过对我们的道德概念进行研究,理性自身可以发现我们应该怎样做,所以他的道德理论被称为价值的理性理论。
Visually already characterized by the paradox of precise blurring, it is all the more provoking to the rationalistic eye the more it attempts to solve the puzzle and to obtain clarity. 尽管作品看上去具有一种精细而模糊的矛盾特征,但若用理性主义的眼光来看,越是试图要解答其中的迷惑、追求清晰则越是难以如愿。
Nevertheless, because of his ideology and ultra-reaction to rationalistic practice, Hayek focus to excavate the tradition of latitudinarianism and evolutionism rooted in western society. 不过,由于哈耶克本人的意识形态取向以及对当时日益偏盛的理性实践的过激反应,导致了他集中主要精力去发掘西方社会中的自由演化传统。
That is actually quite a rationalistic claim. 这其实是一种理性主义的观点。
That is, it was neither rationalistic nor materialistic in the strict meaning of those terms. 在那些术语的严格意义来说,它既不是理性主义,也不是唯物主义。
Enlightenment on Contemporary Science and Technology of Theory of Learning and Cultivating Virtues of A Rationalistic Confucian Philosophy in the Song and Ming Dynasties; The City Civilizations: globalization time city civilization practice scientific theory or principle summon 城市文明学:全球化时代城市文明实践的学理呼唤
Philosophically and critically, Coleridge opposed the limitedly rationalistic trends of the the 18th-century thought. 在哲学与文学评论方面,科勒律治反对18世纪那种局限的理性主义潮流。
Through a study on the "sophistic propositions" of the pre-Qin School of Names, represented by "White dog is black", this paper proposes that these propositions are rationalistic in nature. 本文通过对“白狗黑”等先秦名家“诡辩”命题的研究,指出这些命题是先秦名家的理性主义哲学思想命题。
Feng Yu-lan's New Rationalistic Confucianism 冯友兰的新理性儒家思想
Furthermore, literary theory is so closely related to modern science and the western rationalistic culture that the scientific nature of literary theory deserves a proper exploration in perspectives of effectivity and limit. 文学理论这一学科与现代科学、西方理性主义文化有着天然的血缘关系,在今天讨论文学理论的科学性问题必须正视科学自身兼具有效性和有限性的事实。
Rationalistic design is a representation of scientific, logical and experimental design. 理性主义设计是科学性、逻辑性和实验性设计的代名词。
Rationalistic tradition had been from Ancient Greek in western philosophy. 理性主义传统在西方可谓源远流长。
The institution of capacity of act in modern civil law is the mainly representation of the spirit of rationalistic in modern civil law, which includes the elements of theoretical reason and of practical reason. 现代民法中的行为能力制度是现代民法中的理性主义精神的集中表现,分别负载了理论理性和实践理性。
In a word, his attitude and method on Buddhism research was rationalistic, and his achievements were of high learnig value. 因此,他对佛教的研究态度和方法是理性主义的,他的研究成果有很高的学术价值。
European rationalistic aesthetics has not made so great achievements as British empiricist aesthetics, because the political dictatorship and rationalism denied the special function of imagination and hence the artistic value of imagination. 与英国经验主义美学相比,大陆理性主义美学没有取得令人称道的成就,其原因是专制主义政治和理性主义哲学否定了审美想象的独特地位和文艺的审美价值。
It has three stages in the history of human education& human's principal part suppressed in theology stage, human's principal part rationalistic in modern industry civilization stage and human's principal part cleared up in post-modernism stage. 主体性在人类的教育史上经历了三个阶段:神学时期的人主体性压制阶段现代工业文明时期的人的主体性的理性化阶段后现代时期的人的主体性的消解阶段。
Affected by doctrine of classical natural law and rationalistic thoughts, the basis of personality on positive law is not property but reasoning value of person. 在古典自然法学说和理性主义思潮的影响下,人的理性与价值得以在实在法中成为人格的基础,财产要素在人格基础上被摒除。
It will enlighten the critical consideration about the traditional rationalistic conception of humanity; 启发人们对传统心理学的理性主义人性观进行批判性反思。
Cicero established his high status in the history of legal thought because of his systematical thought on rationalistic natural law. 西塞罗因为对理性主义自然法的系统阐发而奠定了其在西方政治法律思想史上的地位。
That Western science can develop continuously is closely related to the skeptical and critical and rationalistic tradition in Western culture. 西方科学之所以能够持续地向前发展,与西方文化中的怀疑和批判传统、理性主义传统等是密不可分的。
Thus the most prominent feature of western modern historiography is to break away from the shackles of rationalistic philosophy and to organically combine history and historiography by means of dialectics. 西方近现代史学最突出的特征就在于打破理性主义哲学对历史学的桎梏,并努力用辩证的方法将史论两者有机地统一起来。
It is impossible for Christian theory of natural law ( emphasis on natural obligation) to step into modern rationalistic theory of natural law ( claim for natural right), without Aquinas 'thought innovation and theoretic turn. 若没有阿奎那的思想调整和理论转向,基督教自然法理论(强调自然义务)向近代理性主义自然法理论(主张自然权利)的跨越是不可能的。
Different from the Chinese traditional human nature view, the Western leading culture regards the human nature as wicked and rationalistic, which makes the Western system ethics present its unique feature. 与中国传统文化的人性观不同,西方主导文化所持的人性恶论和理性主义,使得西方的制度伦理呈现出独特的景象。
Under the guide of rationalistic religious views, Elizabeth I, according to the variable situation, strived to seek the balance between the politics and religion and practiced a mild religion policy. 在政治至上的理性主义宗教观的指导下,伊丽莎白审时度势,努力谋求政治与宗教间的平衡,积极推进相对宽和的宗教政策。
His philosophical thinking is summarized as critical rationalistic, critical spirit runs through his whole philosophy of science, and this kind of critical spirit is massive power for science progress. 他的哲学思想被概括为批判理性主义,批判精神贯穿于他的科学哲学的始终,而这种批判精神正是科学进步的巨大动力。
Heidegger considers it as ossified way that metaphysical logical thinking and deduction and analysis of rationalistic concepts. 海德格尔思的作为,视形而上学的逻辑思辨或理性化概念的演绎分析为僵死方法,他发现运用的则是思完成存在对人的本质的关系的活生生的在场态势的诗意的言说方法。
It can be regarded as a kind of new made of thinking in the field of western modern philosophy, and the new made of thinking is a forceful revolt against the made of logical thinking habitually used by rationalistic philosophy. 我们可以把“体验”视为现代西方哲学领域出现的一种新的思维方式,这种思维方式是对理性主义哲学惯用的逻辑思维方式的一种有力反抗。
As a rationalistic paradigm, traditional theories and practices of educational evaluation usually focus on the value-free principle. 长期以来,在教育评价理论与实践领域,传统的逻辑实证主义价值中立原则始终居于主导地位。
Under the circumstance of rationalism era, which rationalistic logical reasoning as the dominant position, someone thoughts cognition and emotion were opposite. Somebody thoughts emotions were impulsive, wild and reasonless. 认知和情感,在由理性逻辑推理作为主导的理性传统时代,有人认为是对立的,有人认为情感是冲动的、野蛮的、不理智的和原始的。
Then, with the deduction rationalistic method, it can be changed into general administrative of functional responsibility. 然后运用演绎推理法,使之转变为职能性行政行为。