Gerald finally acknowledged that he was no longer a teenager and realized that he needed to cut off his beloved rattail in order to display a more professional appearance. 杰拉尔德终于承认他不再是十几岁的孩子了,也意识到为了表现自己更专业的一面,他得剪去钟爱的鼠尾辫。
Off eastern, northeastern and southwestern Taiwanese waters, there are many weird deep-sea fishes, including lanternfishes, dragonfishes, rattail fishes, deep-sea Anglerfishes and sharks. 台湾东部、北部及西南部海域有许多稀奇古怪的深海鱼类,主要种类包括灯笼鱼、口鱼、尾鳕、海及深海鲨鱼等。
The rattail saw a brief period of mainstream popularity during the1980s and has rapidly fallen out of vogue, but can still be seen occasionally. 鼠尾辫在上世纪80年代曾经盛行一时,不过很快就淡出了时尚圈,如今偶尔还能看到有人留这样的发型。