Amy realized that she had eaten nothing since leaving Bruton Street, and she was ravenous. 埃米意识到自己从离开布鲁顿大街之后什么东西都没吃,她饿极了。
I am in the midst of lions; I lie among ravenous beasts-men whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords. 我躺卧在性如烈火的世人当中。他们的牙齿是枪,箭。
Of course, when I was devouring all these delicacies, my civilised wife never showed up, reluctant to see the pig's ear and feet and admire her husband's ravenous look. 她不愿意看见猪耳朵和猪蹄子,更不愿意观赏到大丈夫那狼吞虎咽样子。
He HAD the look of a man who could smell red meat, a ravenous, voracious manner as he collected his scalp. 他那样活象一个闻到牛肉味就要扑上去大嚼一顿的人,其贪得无厌的神态就象他搜集战利品一样。
Lack of shuteye on a regular basis makes you ravenous for another reason. After poor sleep, you're more likely to have serious fatigue and brain fog. 经常缺乏睡眠是使你感到饿,这种现象还有一个原因:睡眠缺乏后,你更有可能产生严重的大脑疲劳和脑雾。
Ravenous, they ate and drank, and for a while there was silence but for the crackle of the fire, the clink of goblets, and the sound of chewing. 三个人狼吞虎咽地又吃又喝,房间里一时安静下来,只有炉火的噼啪声,高脚酒杯的碰撞声,以及咀嚼食物的声音。
Your thoughts close in on the problem like ravenous wolves. 你迫近问题的想法像一只贪婪的狼。
The ravenous dog upset several garbage cans in its search for food. 饿极了的狗翻倒了几个垃圾桶寻找食物。
The real problem is their ravenous appetite. 真正的问题是它们贪婪的食欲。
Drawn with ravenous hunger to the man what bears the black spot. 带着一群无尽欲望的人来寻找手中有黑点的人。
Growing boys have ravenous appetites. 长身体的男孩子胃口特大。
The ravenous lions tore at the carcass. 这些饥饿的狮子撕碎了那动物的体。
Ravenous Jaws off the coast of Icecrown grew strangely large and have been returned to their normal size. 冰冠西北小岛附近海域的鲨鱼已经从之前的庞然巨物回到了现在的尺寸。
Ravenous growth and maturing equity and credit markets should mean Asia offers a lot of opportunities. 疾速的增长,日渐成熟的股票和信贷市场都意味着亚洲市场商机无限。
Most infants have a ravenous appetite. 大多数婴儿胃口极好。
They came back to camp wonderfully refreshed, glad-hearted, and ravenous; and they soon had the campfire blazing up again. 他们玩得兴致淋漓地回到他们露营的地方,心里非常欢喜,肚子也饿得很想吃东西了,不久他们就把营火又弄得旺盛起来。
On the demand side, China's ravenous appetite for steel, iron ore, coal, petroleum, grains, oilseeds and so on pushed prices to vertiginous heights until its abrupt economic slowdown this year helped bring them crashing down again. 在需求方面,中国对钢铁、铁矿石、煤、石油、谷类、油籽等商品庞大的渴求,将大宗商品价格推升至令人眩晕的高度,直到今年其经济突然放缓,才使这些价格再次急速回落。
China's1.4 billion people are rapidly urbanising and ravenous for all the goods they couldn't have a generation ago. 中国的14亿人口正在经历快速的城市化进程,面对那些琳琅满目的前所未有的商品,他们进行着“饥饿性”消费。
They came back to camp wonderfully refreshed, glad-hearted, and ravenous; 他们回到露营地时,神采奕奕,兴致勃勃,却也饥肠辘辘;
In the meantime, Chinese lenders will continue to turn to the government and to capital markets to satisfy their ravenous appetite for fresh capital. 与此同时,中资银行将继续求助于政府和资本市场,来满足其对新鲜资本的贪婪需求。
In a sense a company becomes a ravenous, selfish child who must be fed with cash, energy and passion – in the hope that one day the baby will grow up and repay all that effort. 某种意义上讲,公司是一个必须用资金、精力和热情喂养的孩子,贪婪而自私,企业家希望有朝一日这个孩子长大成人,回报之前所有的努力。
Mongolia is wedged between Russia and China, the latter a ravenous market. 蒙古夹在俄罗斯和中国之间,而中国是一个资源饥渴的市场。
A little bit of human courtesy can work wonders: something as simple as asking a glassless recruiter if they need a drink can mark you out from the ravenous crowd. 些许谦恭也许能创造奇迹:比如问一位酒杯空空的招聘人员是否要喝一杯,也许这就能让你在贪婪的人群中脱颖而出,就这么简单。
Don't push back lunch until you are ravenous. 不要推迟午饭,直到您贪婪。
Literally speaking, for the ravenous person, survival is king. 从字面上来说,对于极饿的人,生存才是王道。
But this spring occupants of the spider motels awakened from hibernation healthy and ravenous. 然而今春蜘蛛旅馆的客人们从冬眠中醒来时却健康而且饥肠辘辘。
They'll be ravenous after dancing! 那些人跳过舞后一定会饿的狼吞虎咽!
Ghouls are ravenous cannibals who can regenerate their wounds by eating the flesh of fallen warriors. 食尸鬼可以通过吃尸体来治愈自己的创伤。
The team is also fending off the ravenous English tabloids, hungering for whatever Beckham tidbit they can find. 球队还在努力挡开那些贪婪的英国小报,他们饥渴地想要找到任何和贝克汉姆有关的珍闻。
A meal had been prepared. I fell to with ravenous appetite. 饭已备好,我开始狼吞虎咽地吃起来。