Rawlings had been picked up by police at his office 罗林斯已在办公室遭警察拘捕。
They are joined for breakfast Saturday by former Ghanian leaders John Kufuor and Jerry Rawlings. 他们星期六将与加纳前领导人约翰·库福尔和杰瑞·罗林斯共进早餐。
Where was Rawlings on November 22 1963? 1963年11月22日那天,罗林斯在哪儿?
And as Rawlings says, Dallas loves its presidents. 正如罗林斯所说:达拉斯人爱戴总统。
Mike Rawlings, the city's current mayor, told me: There are stories of people going to places and almost being embarrassed to be from Dallas back in the 1960s, early 1970s. 达拉斯现任市长迈克•罗林斯(MikeRawlings)告诉我:有报道称,在20世纪60年代和70年代初,达拉斯人去外地时,会因为自己是达拉斯人而感到尴尬。
Even Oswald, says Rawlings, belongs in the city's history. 罗林斯说,即便是奥斯瓦尔德,也将永远在达拉斯的历史占有一席之地。
Rawlings says: With time that changed, with the arrival of the Dallas Cowboys [ football team] and different things that Dallas started to become known for. 罗林斯说:随着时间的推移,人们开始因达拉斯牛仔队(DallasCowboys,美式橄榄球队)等各种其他的东西知道达拉斯。
Rawlings says: In the 1980s, people started to think: we are the home of a very important moment in history. 罗林斯说:20世纪80年代,人们开始认为,达拉斯见证了一个非常重要的历史时刻。
I found Rawlings sneaking a catnap at the New Cities Summit in Sao Paulo in June. 今年6月,在圣保罗的新城市峰会(NewCitiesSummit)上,我趁罗林斯偷偷打盹时找到了他。
Rawlings says, For many years it was the one site that if someone visited you and said, 'What do you want to do in the afternoon? 罗林斯说:多年以来,那座博物馆一直是来达拉斯的人必须造访的景点。如果有人来达拉斯拜访你,问你下午想干嘛?
Rawlings says: Before I became mayor, I realised that the one moment people were going to pay more attention to Dallas while I was mayor was November 22 2013. 罗林斯说:我在当上市长之前就意识到,我任期内人们最关注达拉斯的时刻将是2013年11月22日。
So rawlings, lowry, Skinner and porter will have to go after the zeppelin. 所以罗琳斯,洛瑞,斯金纳和波特,你们去追击齐柏林飞艇。
They drove the 108 miles to Rawlings, Wyoming. There they rendezvoused with a woman named Cathy, who'd come 118 miles from Casper to meet them. 他们开了108英里到了怀俄明州罗林斯,在那儿和从118英里外卡斯珀城来的卡西会面。
Rawlings: I'll be back before sunrise. 天亮之前我会赶回来。
Rawlings, requesting permission to go on this mission, sir. 罗琳斯,我要求参加这次任务,长官。
In the afternoon, Mr. Hunter Rawlings, President of Cornell University, gave a reception for parents and students. 下午,康奈尔大学校长亨特·劳林斯为学生和家长举行了招待会。
Drink up, rawlings. you're still alive. that's something. 喝吧,罗琳斯,你还活着,太好了。