
网络  生的; 半生不熟; 未成熟

BNC.38243 / COCA.31068


  1. What eventually followed was heightened by all the emotional rawness of a reconciliation, as though a calamitous week-long row with threats and insults were sweetly resolved in mutual forgiveness.
  2. As architecture becomes globalised and star names and corporate offices extend their homogenising influence across continents, the Swiss pair have retained a rawness and freshness, allowing each building to respond to its site and its broader cultural context.
  3. There was a rawness and honesty in the children's paintings.
  4. Journalists, often guilty of hyperbole, have struggled for once to capture the rawness of the politics.
  5. The result is a bittersweet baby boom, the joy of each birth tempered by the rawness of the recent loss.



  1. lack of experience and the knowledge and understanding derived from experience
    1. procedural inexperience created difficulties
    2. their poor behavior was due to the rawness of the troops

    Synonym:    inexperience

  2. a pain that is felt (as when the area is touched)
    1. the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness
    2. after taking a cold, rawness of the larynx and trachea come on

    Synonym:    tendernesssoreness

  3. the state of being crude and incomplete and imperfect
    1. the study was criticized for incompleteness of data but it stimulated further research
    2. the rawness of his diary made it unpublishable

    Synonym:    incompleteness

  4. a chilly dampness
    1. the rawness of the midnight air