The fibers with moderate abrasion resistance include wool, cotton, and the high wet-modulus rayons. 具有中等耐磨损性能的纤维有羊毛、棉花和高湿模量粘胶纤维。
Rayons are also scoured under alkaline conditions, but the process is varied depending on the type of rayon. 人造丝也需要在碱性条例下煮练,但煮练工艺随人造丝种类的不同而有区别。
Cellulosic fibers such as cotton, linen and high-wet-modulus rayons may be bleached with sodium hypochlorite or sodium chlorite as well as with hydrogen peroxide. 纤维素纤维织物,例如棉、亚麻、高湿模量人造丝织物可以用次氯酸钠、氯化钠和过氧化氢漂白。