ADJ 锋利的;锐利的;如刀锋般的 A cutting tool that is razor-sharp is extremely sharp.
...a razor sharp butcher's knife. 锋利的屠刀
...razor-sharp teeth. 锋利的牙齿
ADJ (思路或头脑)敏捷的,反应快的 If you describe someone or someone's mind as razor-sharp, you mean that they have a very accurate and clear understanding of things.
Zuckerberg, known for sometimes-awkward public appearances, realized that the razor-sharp, people-savvy advertising executive complements his own shortcomings. 这位来自广告业的主管思维敏捷,洞悉人情世故,恰好能弥补扎克伯格的短处&他在公众场合时不时的尴尬表现已广为人知。
The marine reptile hunted the oceans with a long thin neck and tail, four large flippers and razor-sharp teeth. 这种海洋两栖动物长有细细的长脖颈和细长尾巴,四个巨大的阔鳍,像剃刀一样锋利的牙齿,以捕食其他海洋动物为生。
Training: Years of battling bullies on the schoolyard with your razor-sharp wit. 培训要求:用机敏的才智,经年地在校园内与“恶霸”们斗争。
One of the razor-sharp barnacles had sliced my right index finger, and it hurt. 清晰无比的茗荷介之一已经切成薄片我的正确食指,而且它伤害。
Everything from razor-sharp views of the planets in our own solar system, to the vast stellar nurseries where stars and planets are born. 照片内容包罗万象,有太阳系各行星的精彩绝伦的景致,也有孕育出星球,恒星的巨大行星。
With Na Zha Baby Boutique Shi Jinsong presents razor-sharp stainless steel sculptures, blueprints and photographs representing an outrageously unsafe line of baby products. 展览展出的“儿童用品”以锐利的不锈钢,设计蓝图和摄影的方式陈现。
Then he handed me a razor-sharp ax. 接着,他递给我一把锋利的斧子。
Constructed with heavy-gauge durable stainless steel, each knife offers a razor-sharp precision, ergonomically designed for comfortable handle. 每把刀采用不锈钢制造,锋利无比。刀把采用人体工程学设计,手感舒适。
They are cynical yet warmhearted, plain spoken but smart, and they have razor-sharp wit. 他们热情、玩世不恭、说话直率,但聪明,他们很有智慧。
They were nearly as long as the fingers of the old man and they had razor-sharp cutting edges on both sides. 它们几乎跟这老人的手指一般长,两边都有刀片般锋利的快口。
An outspoken republican, he is known for his razor-sharp tongue. 他是一位直言不讳的共和党人,以说话犀利而著称。
His observations are razor-sharp while his wit makes his topics palatable to his readers. 他的观察力如刀刃般犀利,而他的诙谐使其话题为读者所飨。
Razor-sharp wit, repartee, criticism, etc I kept my mental and critical faculties alive. 极敏锐的智力、极巧妙的回答、极尖锐的批评.我保持着敏锐的思维能力和评判能力。
They scoop you up in their razor-sharp talons. 他们用锋利的爪子抓住你们。
You know athat razor-sharp sword he was wearing? 记得他佩戴的那把锋利的剑么?
There, amidst broken boulders, razor-sharp ridges, and needle spires, Drogon made his lair inside a shallow cave. 就在那儿,在那破碎的巨砾、锋利的山脊以及针状的尖顶之中,卓耿在一个很浅的山洞里筑起了自己的巢穴。
Though I respected the need for maintaining a safe distance between my skin and his razor-sharp, venom-coated teeth, I tended to forget about trivial things like that when he was kissing me. 尽管我一直使我的皮肤和他锋利无比、布满毒液的牙齿之间保持一定的安全距离,但我总是会忘记一些琐碎的事情,譬如当他吻我的时候我也要注意这些。
Pick an argument with Canada's new premier and you'll quickly find that she has a razor-sharp tongue arid an equally sharp brain. 倘若你想跟加拿大新总理辩论一番,你会很快发现她语言犀利,头脑机敏。
Every weapon also comes equipped with razor-sharp blades for hand-to-hand combat and a spiked, riveted, fanged metal esthetic is used on all military equipment. 短兵相接的武器都应该是锋利的刀,所有的军队武器都应该有尖锐、卯固、满布尖刺的金属的感觉。
And scientists say they've found a new animal species-a leech with razor-sharp teeth in the nose of a girl in a remote region of Peru. 科学家们说他们发现了一个新的动物物种&在秘鲁偏远地区一个小女孩的鼻子内发现了有着锋利牙齿的水蛭。
The cast hurls itself into the comic-book violence, while the stunt choreography and razor-sharp editing are exhilarating. 全体演员对于这种漫画式的暴力非常投入,与此同时,特技的编排和犀利的剪辑也都令人兴奋不已。