Despite a lot of razzle-dazzle, the home-town basketball team was beaten by20 points. 当地的篮球队尽管有许多迷惑人的假动作,但仍以20分之差被打败。
The new Star Wars movie has lots of technical razzle-dazzle. 新电影《星际大战》中有很多技术特技。
They are the most effective but doesn't some razzle-dazzle psych you up? 这些的确是最有效的,可是,玩一些花活儿难道不会让你感到激动吗?
Amid all the razzle-dazzle of the party convention, it was easy to forget about the real political issues. 在该党大会的喧问中,很容易忘记真正的政治问题。
Basketball fans miss Magic Johnson's razzle-dazzle in the game. 篮球迷们怀念魔术师强纳生球赛中的花招。
Not many entrepreneurs start their businesses with such razzle-dazzle as Sean Leow did. 没有几个企业家以肖恩·利奥(SeanLeow)那样令人眼花缭乱的方式创办企业。
The party even lost power briefly in1993 and, in2001-06, a razzle-dazzle prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, seemed to be giving it a new lease on life. 在1993年,LDP也有短时间下野。2001年到2006年间,小泉纯一郎,这位会耍花招的首相似乎给LDP带来了新生。
In a culture in which group effectiveness is so prized, razzle-dazzle individual performances are discouraged. 在一种集体的效率如此受珍视的文化中,狂乱的个人行动是不受鼓励的。
"Special" just didn't have enough razzle-dazzle to describe your birthday. “特殊”并未有足够的喧闹来描绘您的生日。
They are complaining about the lack of much razzle-dazzle in modern football. 他们抱怨现代足球中缺乏使对方眼花缭乱的球艺。