The names of the properties used in RDL are based on the structural features exposed in the EMF classes. RDL中使用的属性名是基于EMF类的结构特性的。
RDL allows the definition and application of relations between classes, based on correspondences between structural features. 基于结构化特性之间的通讯,RDL允许类之间的关联的定义和应用。
It allowed you to understand the main concepts of the RDL language, even if a UML to Relational mapping is not entirely specified at this point. 它使你能够理解RDL语言的主要概念,即使此刻一个UML到关联的映射还未完全说明。
This custom constraint extends the RDL language, and is part of the util extension shipped with MTF. 这一用户限制扩展了RDL语言,是MTF附带的util扩展的一部分。
Don't worry if you're not familiar with the syntax of RDL yet, we will explain it in detail in the next step of the example. 如果你对RDL的语法还不熟悉的话不要担心,在例子的下一步中我们将会加以详细解释。
Advanced concepts like abstract relations, or relation inheritance, are also part of the RDL language, but they will not be covered in this article. 更深入的概念,如抽象关联,或者抽象继承,也是RDL语言的一部分,但是本文将不作介绍。
They are expressed in a language called the Relation Definition Language ( RDL), which is parsed and evaluated by the transformation engine. 它们是用一种叫做关联定义语言(RDL)的语言来表达的,该语言被转换引擎分词和评估。
Although it is concise, the RDL language allows you to express a number of essential concepts used in model transformation ( for example, correspondences, expressions, and conditions). RDL语言尽管很简洁,却使你能够表达很多模型转换中使用的关键概念(比如,通讯,表达式,以及条件)。
Open it with the MTF mapping rule editor (. rdl is the default extension bound to the editor). 使用MTF映射规则编辑器打开该文件(.rdl是编辑器默认的文件扩展名)。
The built-in correspondence that specifies the column type illustrates the declarative aspects of RDL. 指明列类型的内嵌通讯表现了RDL的声明性。
The class diagrams presented throughout this example are another possible representation of the concepts beyond the syntax of RDL. 这个例子中贯穿的类图是RDL语法之外的概念的又一种可能表示。
This example explains the basics of the RDL language, which should help you get started with MTF. 这个例子解释了RDL语言的基础,这将帮助你开始学习MTF。
There is as yet no defined case or naming convention for relations in RDL. RDL中没有定义用例或命名的规则。
An RDL file begins with a series of import statements, used to declare the EMF packages that will be involved in the transformation. RDL文件以一系列导入陈述开始,它们被用来声明转换中涉及的EMF包。
After you have created your project and generated the classes from the RDL schema, you are ready to load a report definition from the report server. 创建项目并从rdl架构生成类之后,您就可以从报表服务器加载报表定义。
Editing RDL directly can result in a report that cannot be published to the report server or cannot run. 直接编辑rdl可能导致报表无法发布到报表服务器,或者无法运行。
By fully applying the storage potential of 16 bit shift register LUT ( SRL16E), a recursive delay line ( RDL) is proposed with the characters of multiplicative decrease of taps number and increase of taps 'sample rate. 利用16位移位寄存器(SRL16E)的存储潜力,设计递归延迟线(RDL);
The thermal conductivity of heat insulation materials, containing vacuum rubber board, asbestos board and quartz glass etc. was tested at different average temperature with RDL 1 automatic measuring apparatus made by ourselves. 用自行设计的RDL-1型物质热导率自动检测仪测试了真空橡胶板、石棉板等材料在不同温度下的热导率;
This paper develop sintering production report system based on RDL language. 基于RDL语言研发烧结生产报表系统。