The police said that her sentence was based on a Chinese labor re-education law. 警方说,对唐慧判决的依据是中国的劳动教养法。
At 17, he took his pens and paper with him when he was assigned by the government to plant potatoes and wheat at a mountainside re-education farm. 17岁那年,当政府分配他到一个山区再教育农场去种土豆和小麦时,他带上了纸和笔。
Chongqing area Yongchuan a middle-aged women laid-off Lee, as a result of drug abuse have been re-education, as a result of HIV was found and released for medical treatment. 重庆永川区一下岗中年妇女李某,因吸毒而被劳教,因被查出携带艾滋病毒而保外就医。
Those trained under Russian influence during the 1930s were sent away for re-education. 那些20世纪30年代在苏联影响下接受训练的钢琴家,则被送到农村接受再教育。
I mean, for the re-education center. 我的意思是,为了再教育中心。
Through posters, the "little red book" and re-education circles, his message was constantly reinforced. 通过各种海报、“红宝书”以及再教育循环,他的教导不断被追捧肯定。
At Starbucks stores across the country on Tuesday night, it was time for the corporate version of re-education camp. ?本周二晚,全美国的星巴克连锁店为其企业版进行了员工再次培训。
While the Windows and Mac user interfaces are broadly similar, they do have subtle variations in day-to-day use that require some re-education for switchers. 尽管Windows与Mac的用户界面大体相似,但两者的确在日常使用上存在细微差别,转换操作系统的用户可能需要一定的学习过程。
Views on Specific Features and Laws of Mathematics Teacher Re-education; Princeton has a world-class language teaching programme, with some of the world's best teachers. 对数学教师再教育特点及规律的若干认识普林斯顿大学有世界级的语文系,拥有世界上数一数二的语文教师。
Her gains represent a significant shift in a country where, for decades, prostitutes were sent to re-education camps en masse. 她取得的成果意味着中国显著改变了过去的态度;数十年来,性工作者会被送去劳动改造。
To launch Health Quotient education in School PE, re-education on PE teachers'Health Quotient should he strengthened; 学校体育开展健商教育,应加强体育教师健商文化的再教育;
If necessary, those people will be steered toward further re-education after six more months. 如有必要,这些人六个月后将接受进一步的再教育。
Exploration into Re-education Mode of the Stay-on and Degraded Students in Regular Universities 普通高校留降级学生再培养模式探索
Relaxation techniques, hypnosis, biofeedback, acupuncture, and'writing re-education exercises'have all been used, but none of these brings sustained relief. 放松疗、催眠、生物反馈、针灸和书写练习已应用于治疗,但对于此病的症状不能持续缓解。
On the other side of the Atlantic, any advocates of a loose fiscal policy risk finding themselves in a windowless cell under the European Central Bank, for International Monetary Fund re-education on the dangers of sovereign debt crises. 在大西洋彼岸,若有人倡导宽松的财政政策,就有可能被欧洲央行(ecb)关进小黑屋,接受国际货币基金组织(imf)有关主权债务危机危险的再教育。
Voluntarily applied to do a year of labor re-education at Shuangqiao Farm. 主动申请下放双桥农场劳动一年;
Regaining a well-functioning capitalism will require re-education and deep reform. 要重新实现健康运转的资本主义制度,需要进行再教育和深度改革。
To analyze HIV infection situation of prisoners and the Re-education through labor administration of gail and detention centre in Taian, in order to provide basis for AIDS prevention and control. 了解监狱看守所羁押劳教人员艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况,为制定防治对策提供依据。
No-one is above suspicion and most senior officials, including his influential brother-in-law, Chang Sung-taek, have spent periods undergoing "re-education". 没有人不受猜疑,多数高级官员,包括他权势显赫的妹夫张成泽(changsung-taek)在内,都曾花费很长时间接受“再教育”。
There are more re-education centers, not less. 那里有更多的再教育中心,数目不少。
The re-education movement faces two bigger challenges. 再教育运动面临两大挑战。
Improving University Student CPC Members 'Quality by Innovating Re-education Mechanism: Analysis of Current Situations and Solutions 创新再教育机制提升学生党员素质&高校学生党员再教育的现状分析及对策
Practice and Thought of the Open Management Model of Re-education through Labor 劳动教养开放式管理模式的实践与思考
The current situation of the re-education of university student CPC members is flawed by insufficient attention, absence of operative mechanism, and weak team of education and management. 当前高校学生党员再教育中存在着对学生党员再教育重视程度不够、学生党员再教育的运行机制缺失以及学生党员教育管理队伍有待加强等问题。
The logic is water tight, but there are questions in China about how quickly re-education will generate more trustworthy figures. 其逻辑非常严密,但是再教育能以多快的速度带来更可信的数字,这在中国仍是个问号。
Assholes should be thrown into re-education camps. 王八蛋全部应该扔进再教育营。
Thought of Re-education of Party Members from College and University Students in the New Period 新时期高校学生党员再教育工作的思考
This is re-education center Helios nine. 这里是太阳神第九再教育中心。
The philosophy of black nationalism involves a re-education program in the black community in regards to economics. 黑人民族独立运动的哲学体系包括一个在教育程序,在黑人的社会里让他们去关注经济。
Those works of art and those libraries will be wanted for the re-education of the Germans after the war. 战后德国人的再教育将需要这些艺术馆和图书馆。