This activity starts with an assessment of the current iteration and a re-evaluation of the risks. 此项活动从当前迭代的评估和风险的重新评估开始进行。
It generates or updates data elements and these new conditions may force re-evaluation of the rules. 它生成或更新数据元素,这些新条件可能导致重新处理规则。
Unexpected issues are likely to appear that may require re-evaluation of the migration scope or the migration method. 意想不到的问题常常会出现,可能要求对移植范围或者移植方法进行重新评价。
Bloomberg, who makes a salary of$ 1 a year as mayor, benefited from a re-evaluation of his company, Bloomberg LP. 他担任市长每年的薪水是1美元,他资产净值的增加得益于其公司彭博(BloombergLP.)的价值重估。
Last week the government adopted a new security strategy calling for a re-evaluation of the weapons ban. 上周日本政府采纳了新的安全策略,提出重新评估武器禁令。
Clinical Application Research about Non-inferiority/ equivalence Cutoff Being Used in the Re-evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine 非劣效/等效性界值在中药临床再评价中的应用研究
And a by-product of the credit crunch seems to be an overdue market re-evaluation. 信贷紧缩的一个副产品似乎成了市场一次迟到的再评估。
It will also give a re-evaluation of the position and role of translation theories in translation studies, as well as explore the relation of theory and practice. 重新阐述理论在译学框架中的位置和作用,理论和实践的关系和译者理论的意义。
Companies often prefer one-time perks, such as a signing bonus or a fixed bonus, and suggest asking for a possible raise or re-evaluation within a year or less. 企业往往倾向于给一次性补贴,如签约奖金或固定奖金等。另外,建议你要求企业在一年之内给你加薪或者对你的薪酬进行重新评估。
Emerging markets may have ended a decade-long secular re-evaluation and the ridiculous Bric trade appears to be dead. 新兴市场长达十年之久的价值重估或许已经结束,而荒谬的金砖四国(Bric)狂热似乎也已偃旗息鼓。
Where expiration or re-evaluation dates are used on BPCs either because of a regulatory requirement or voluntarily, they must be derived from appropriate stability testing. 在有效期或重新评估日期被用于原料药,或者由于法规要求,或自愿的,必须由稳定性检测获得。
The Re-evaluation of CDM in China And the Suggestions to Prepare for Post-Kyoto Era 对我国清洁发展机制实施的反思与应对后京都时代的建议
That the production of seasonal influenza vaccine should continue at this time, subject to re-evaluation as the situation evolves. 根据形势的演变重新进行评价之前,现在应继续生产季节性流感疫苗。
The incidents have prompted calls by Japan's opposition party for a re-evaluation of defense pacts, and have led U. 日本反对党呼吁重新评估两国间的防务协议。
Re-evaluation of overnight low-dose dexamethasone suppression test in the diagnosis of Cushing syndrome 过夜小剂量地塞米松抑制试验对库欣综合征诊断价值的再探讨
Already there are cries for a fundamental re-evaluation of our intelligence operations. 实际上目前已经有人在大声疾呼,美国应该对情报活动进行一次彻底的重新评估。
His stated "return to the original expression" suggests Wang's re-evaluation and self-reflexive mining of his original dialectical Marxist training. 艾略特说「返回最初的表现形式」指引王氏的重新评价和自我反省,发掘他最初接受马克思主义的辨证训练。
All the major policies are ripe for re-evaluation. 对一切重大政策进行重新评估的时机已经成熟。
Large Scale and Localization& Re-evaluation of Yongli's Alkali-making History 规模化和本土化&永利制碱历史再评价
For Cacioppo, understanding this web of biological effects has led to a fundamental re-evaluation of loneliness. '' 对于卡乔波,了解这种生物效应网络,使得他对孤独感有了一种根本的重新评估。
Schumpeterian Theory of Capitalist Evolution: A Re-evaluation 熊彼特的资本主义演化理论:一个再评价
This re-evaluation of the idea of reform couldn't come at a worse time. 对改革开放思想的重新评价来得非常不是时候。
This implies that DOM manipulation made outside of jQuery will not trigger the re-evaluation. 这暗示在jQuery之外的DOM操作不会触发重新评估。
Retrospective Analysis and Re-evaluation of the Medical Records of the Cases with Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency for a Decade; 十年住院椎基底动脉供血不足病历回顾分析及再评价最终住进了精神病医院。
Different trends in the opera creation lead to the re-evaluation of the relationship between historical text and opera creation and re-draw a line of demarcation between history and arts. 由于历史的戏剧创作存在着不同的走向,这导致了对历史文本与戏剧创作之间关系的重新评估,对史学与文艺学之间界限的重新界定。
Re-evaluation on PERT-ELISA for Detection of Retrovirus in Cells PERT-ELISA法用于细胞逆转录病毒检测的再研究
Re-evaluation of Moral Education of University Students in the Context of New Curriculum Reform 新课程改革背景下大学生德育教育的价值重估
Japan is a nation of extremely cautious people, and that re-evaluation – and particularly the action that follows – is of more value than any empty preaching. 作为一个社会政治组织、民众的公民素质非常严谨的国家,日本的反思,特别是后续行动,胜于任何空洞的说教。