Do you have temporarily imported and re-exported goods or vice versa? 你有临时进口并且再出口的物品,或则相反?
In the event that the goods are not re-exported within the extended time limit, the Customs shall handle the import formalities for general trade. 延期不得超过1年,逾期仍不能复运出口,应按一般贸易办理进口手续。
Processing trade means a country importing main raw materials and auxiliary parts to be processed or assembled and re-exported. 加工贸易是指一国从国外进口主要原材料、零部件,加工装配后复出口的一种贸易方式。
A port where merchandise can be imported and re-exported with paying import duties. 货物缴纳关税后进口或再次出口的港口。
That oversupply, traders say, has seen shipments to China diverted to other parts of Asia, while some metal is being re-exported from China, as companies in import financing deals start to lose money. 交易员表示,供应过剩已促使发往中国的铜转向亚洲其它地区,而随着签署进口融资交易的企业开始亏损,部分铜正从中国再出口。
China has faced criticism over the past year as export figures from its customs authorities appeared at odds with the numbers recorded by places such as Hong Kong through which many Chinese goods are re-exported. 过去一年里,中国海关发布的出口数据似乎与香港(许多中国产品经香港转口)等地的数据矛盾,这令中国受到批评。
Transit goods shall be treated as bonded goods, and shall be exempted from duty if they are to be re-exported; 转口货物按保税货物处理,在复出口的条件下免税。
But the majority of goods shipped there are for final assembly before being re-exported westwards. 但运往大陆的大多数产品只是在那里进行最后组装,然后重新出口到西方。
However, two-thirds of these exports are processed and re-exported to developed countries so it is premature to claim that China is more important for the region than global markets. 然而,这些出口产品中的三分之二经过加工后又出口到发达国家,所以要说中国对东亚地区的重要性超过全球市场还为时过早。
This discrepancy reflects the fact that China's bilateral trade figures exclude goods shipped to Hong Kong before being re-exported. 这种差距显示出中国并未把经香港转口的货物统计在内。