And domestic wages and materials account for about 30% of the cost of those re-exports. 国内的工人工资及原材料只占这些再出口商品成本的30%。
Examining the recent shift in trade patterns from re-exports to offshore trade and drawing attention in particular to the implications for employment. 探讨本港贸易模式近期由转口贸易转移至离岸贸易的趋势,并特别指出这个趋势对就业的影响。
China re-exports a lot of what it imports, turning hard drives into iPods and iron ore into steel. 中国进口的很多产品要进行重新出口,将硬盘驱动器转化成iPods,将铁矿石转化成钢铁。
The Mainland, Japan and Taiwan were the main origins of the re-exports, while the Mainland, the USA and Japan were the main destinations. 转口货品的主要来源地为中国内地、日本和台湾,主要目的地则为中国内地、美国和日本。
Furthermore, we are very much an entrepot, handling a large volume of re-exports. 此外,香港在极大程度上是个转口港,处理大量转口贸易。
According to analyses by experts of the Sino-US Joint Commission on commerce and trade, the amount of re-exports to China via the Hong Kong region included in the US statistics of its exports to China was only about a quarter of that included in Hong kong's statistics. 根据中美商贸联委会专家的分析,美国对中国的出口统计中,经香港对中国的转口只占香港方面统计的四分之一左右。
Secondly, the US statistics of its exports to China has been under-estimated by neglecting re-exports. 第二,美方的出口统计,因忽视转口而低估了对中国的出口。
Domestic exports, re-exports and imports had a total value of$ 171 billion,$ 1,178 billion and$ 1,393 billion, respectively. 本地出口、转口及进口总值分别为1710亿元、11780亿元和13930亿元。
Apart from further promoting our re-exports, we will develop Hong Kong as a multi-modal trade management and operations centre. 香港除了继续强化转口贸易外,也会向集多种贸易形式于一体的贸易管理和营运中心发展。
90 per cent of Hong Kong's re-export trade was related to the Mainland, making it the largest market for as well as the largest source of Hong Kong's re-exports. 内地在香港转口贸易所占比率高达九成,是香港转口贸易的最大市场和最大来源地。