The new accounting standards re-regulate the judgment, measure, and reversal of asset impairment. 新会计准则重新规范了有关资产减值迹象的判断、计量和转回等问题。
The principal activities of an international regulator should be to monitor agreements and promote free capital flows in a market-based system, not to re-regulate the global economy as it was 40 years ago. 一个国际监管机构的主要事务应是监督协议,促进市场化体系中的自由资本流动,而不是恢复40年前那样对全球经济的管制。
Efforts to re-regulate the banking system, meantime, have failed to convince many experts that an even larger financial crisis can be avoided. 与此同时,许多专家认为,改革银行业监管体系的努力,不足以避免一场更大规模的金融危机。
The only way to do that may be to re-regulate them comprehensively. 实现这一目标的唯一方法或许是重新实行全面监管。
Many holes can be picked in their pledges to reflate the world economy and re-regulate global finance. 在他们对重振世界经济和重整全球金融体系的承诺中有诸多的漏洞。
Rather than re-regulate mindlessly, the right solution is to set up a high-level commission, charged with proposing reforms of financial structure and regulation at global and domestic levels. 正确的解决办法不是盲目地重新监管,而是要建立一个高层委员会,负责提出全球和国内层面的金融结构和监管改革计划。
The need to re-regulate financial markets is enhanced by the fact that central banks, backed by governments, provide an insurance against liquidity risks. Such insurance inevitably leads to moral hazard and excessive risk-taking. 鉴于各国央行在政府的支持下提供了针对流动性风险的保险,对金融市场进行再监管的必要性进一步增强,因为这类保险不可避免的会导致道德风险和过度的冒险行为。
Second, reform the rural government and re-regulate its function. 二是改革农村基层政府,重新定位其职能;
The Chinese company law should authorize the companies to select the internal control mode or external mode, re-regulate the power of board of supervisor, limit the of numbers of the part-time directors and supervisors and strengthen the functions of banks and creditors in controlling company. 我国公司法应授权公司选择单层制或双层制,并对监事会权力作出重新调整,限制董事和监事的兼职数量,加强银行和债权人在公司治理中的作用。