The combustion reactivities of three types of delayed cokes, vacuum residues and their mixture were investigated by TG and DTG. 利用热重技术对三种延迟石油焦、三种减压渣油及其混合物的燃烧反应特性进行了考察。
This review deals with the active site structure, reactivities and chemical mimics of the binuclear copper enzymes, particularly hemocyanin and tyrosinase. 本文综述了双核铜酶,特别是酪氨酸酶、血蓝蛋白的结构,键合氧、活化氧的性能及有关仿酶模型的研究进展。
This cellular stress response is designed to cope with a broad variety of temperature-dependent modulations of molecular structures, transport processes, chemical reactivities, and many more. 这种细胞的应急反应被设计成应对一系列的温度相关的分子结构调控、分子转运以及化学反应等等。
In this paper, emphasis is laid on describing the experimental results for determining the alkali reactivities of aggregates in Japan and Canada by using our rapid method. 本文着重介绍采用该法鉴定日本和加拿大集料碱活性的试验结果。
The experimental results show that the alkali reactivities of glass aggregates are closely related to their chemical compositions and can be measured by a so called "Alkali Reactive Index". 结果表明玻璃集料的碱活性与化学组成之间有良好的相关性,可以用“碱活性指数”衡量活性大小。
The exposure of isolated pulmonary artery segment to ONOO-resulted in abnormal reactivities similar to those induced by LPS. 可引起离体肺动脉反应性异常改变,LPS也可产生类似变化;