A new format would alienate its ageing readership without attracting young readers. 新的版式会疏远上了年纪的读者群,并且也不会吸引年轻读者。
We see that evidence in readership numbers, too. 我们也看到了读者人数方面的证据。
Digital is growing our readership in really great ways and is leading to an influx of new readers. 数字技术极大地增加了读者数量,带来了大量的新读者。
Critics point to falling readership of books, magazines, and newspapers. 一些人指出,书籍、杂志和报纸的读者数正呈下降趋势。
For non-technical readers and federal agencies, the implications of the results might be the most important consideration, and emphasis should be placed on the discussion of the report for this readership. 对于没有技术的读者和联邦代理,结果的复杂性应该是最重要的考虑,并且出于读者人数考虑,强调应该被放在报告的讨论上。
The magazine has won a loyal readership of more innovative-minded engineers and managers across the country. 杂志在全国那些勇于创新的设计工程师和管理人员中享有忠实的读者群。
RSS became very popular with blogs but it is not limited to blogs: every site benefits from building a loyal readership. RSS在blog中非常流行,但它并非局限于blog:所有站点都能够从建立起忠实的客户关系中受益。
There is another problem, though: Will these young writers find a readership? 还有另外一个问题:这些年轻作家会拥有读者么?
I want to help you to write headlines that will increase your readership. 下面我来教教你到底该如何写标题,可以增加读者的哦。
Your article must be suitable for the intended readership: an interested and well-educated, but not technical audience. 你的文章是设定给某种特定的读者而写。他们是有兴趣并拥有良好教育,却非以科技为业的读者。
As the stories caught on, The Strand's readership doubled; 这些故事大受欢迎,《海滨》的读者数量也随之翻了一倍;
Only they should be under no illusion about their theories exerting powerful influence on the readership or writers. 只是不要幻想,自己的理论会对读者和作者有多大影响。
The proliferation of media choices, especially the Internet, threaten to cannibalize both readership and prestige. 随着越来越多的媒体出现在人们面前,尤其是随着因特网的发展,报纸的读者群及影响面都有不同程度的下降。
Do you think the readership that already exists for the novels will make the television series a success? 那你认不认为这部书的读者们会使这剧集大获成功呢?
What can editors and publishers do to arrest the readership slide? 怎麽编辑和出版者都逮捕读者滑坡?
Our biggest readership is in the north. 我们最大的读者群就是北方人。
Chinese newspapers have a large readership around the world. 中文报纸在全世界拥有众多的读者。
Online readership on most major content sites is up. 大多数主要内容网站的在线读者数量都在上升。
This publication history meant that this London-based movement had its first readership in the United States. 本刊物的历史,这意味着总部设在伦敦的运动第一读者在美国。
No one other library system has such a wide readership age. 没有任何一个其他的图书馆系统具有这样广泛的读者年龄。
International in scope and readership, the journal is peer-reviewed to ensure technical validity. 该刊的每篇文章都是经过同行审查的,确保了技术的有效性。
They offered me a readership at the University of london. 他们给我伦敦大学高级讲师职位。
Once the readership is targeted, we have to decide what subjects should be covered. 一旦目标读者被确定,我们就可以决定所需要包含的主题。
The media fill pages and time slots with their "success" stories to gain wider readership and viewership. 媒体为了吸引更多的读者和观众,用大量的版面和时间段来宣传“高考状元”们的“成功故事”;
Japanese newspapers have a large readership but are facing dwindling advertising revenues and falling circulation. 日本的报纸拥有庞大的读者基础,但它们的广告收入日渐下滑,发行量也不断减少。
I am happy to note that the readership of Chinese newspapers continues to grow. 我很高兴见到华文报的读者群不断增加。
How might you shape this piece so that it speaks effectively to your chosen readership? 你如何建构这篇作品让它有效地对你的读者诉说?
Is that the primary model of readership? 这是读者们的原始模型吗?
You see, the readership determines what contents should be included. 你知道,目标读者决定了企业杂志所要包含的内容。