The README file also details what terms of use, or license, applies. README文件还详细地介绍了使用条款,或者许可证、适用情况。
All installation and set-up steps are covered in the db2auth's readme document. 所有安装和设置步骤都包含在db2auth的readme文档中。
I'm not going to tell you to read the README file, and that you would not have run into this problem if you did. 我不是要告诉您去阅读README文件,如果那样做了,您就不会碰到这个问题。
These values are in the README provided with the driver download. 这些值位于所下载的驱动程序提供的README中。
The ZIP file accompanying this article includes the source code of the plug-ins used in this section and a README file with more information about them. 本文附带的zip文件包括本节使用插件的源代码和一个README文件,该文件包含关于这些插件的更多信息。
The startup scripts are fairly standard Debian scripts, complete with README files. 启动脚本都是相当标准的Debian脚本,带有完整的README文件。
Refer to the README file for Document Manager for more information. 更多信息请参考DocumentManager的README文件。
This article is not about installing the benchmark& the README file is fairly comprehensive. 本文不介绍有关基准的安装问题&README文件当中提供了全面的讲解。
If you are building from source, then the appropriate README file will help; the basic steps follow. 如果您正在从源文件开始构建,那么适当的自述文件将会有所帮助;下面是基本步骤。
Apply the update according to the readme file, and wait for this to finish as normal. 请根据自述文件应用更新,并等候更新正常完成。
Store the journal in the same directory as the package's README file. 将这个记录存储在与该包的README文件相同的目录中。
A README file describes the project and usually explains how to build the software. README文件对该项目进行了描述,并且通常用于说明如何构建该软件。
You can now run the HelloWorld sample, as described in its associated readme file. 现在可以按照HelloWorld示例关联的自述文件中所述运行该示例。
You may browse the readme or release notes, or review the installation or migration guide if you wish. 您可以浏览readme或者发布说明,如果愿意,也可以查看安装或迁移向导。
If you distribute this utility, you must include the executable file and the readme file in the distribution package, without any modification! 您可以分发本工具,但您必须在分发包中包括程序可执行文件和说明文件,且不得修改!
For additional details refer to the readme file. 有关详细信息,请参考自述文件。
An overview of the toolkit's modules is included in the distribution's README file. 一个模块概述了工具包的是包含在发布的自述文件。
This readme file details how to install and run the sales orders sample. 此自述文件详细介绍了如何安装和运行销售订单示例。
See the readme file for this sample for additional installation instructions. 有关其他安装说明,请参阅此示例的自述文件。
Information about where to find readme files, which contain late breaking information about the product. 有关在何处查找自述文件的信息。自述文件包含产品的最新信息。
To configure the inter-organization replication tool, follow the instructions provided in the readme file that accompanies the tool. 若要配置组织间复制工具,请按照该工具附带的自述文件所提供的说明进行操作。
For a full list see the readme file that comes with the installer and source code. 完整列表请参见i安装和源代码包附带的readme文件。
Please read the following readme information carefully. 请仔细阅读下面的自述文件信息。
The readme contains important information that was not available when the documentation for the product was written. 自述文件包含有一些未编写入产品文档的重要信息。
This setup requires administrator privileges. See the readme for more information. 此安装程序需要拥有管理员特权。有关更多信息,请参阅自述文件。
Please read the included ReadMe PDF for more information on use and restrictions. 请阅读更多的关于使用和限制的信息所包含的自述PDF。
Read the installation guide and Readme for more information. 阅读安装指南和Readme以获取更多相关信息。
These readme files include information about the appropriate use of these images in your applications. 这些自述文件提供了有关在应用程序中合理使用这些图像的信息。
The README file should clearly specify how to run your program. README文件应该清楚地说明如何运行你的程序。
Full details and installation instructions in the README file. 全部细节和安装说明在自述文件。