Some thought they would hold out until Sunday. The realists knew that the game was already up. 有些人以为他们还能撑到星期天,务实的人却很清楚,这一切都已结束了。
Realists would agree with many of these criticisms. 现实主义者可能会赞同许多这类批评。
She differed from early realists as much as cubism from impressionism. 她与早期那些现实主义作家不同,就像立体主义和印象主义不同一样。
Investors like realists, but not wimps. 投资者喜欢务实的人,但不是不敢冒险的人。
They are not activists, but realists. 他们不是激进分子,而是现实主义者。
As realists, we acknowledge that no one process, technique, language, or platform is good for all situations. 作为一个现实主义者,我们承认并不存在一个过程、技术、语言或是平台可以在所有的条件下都能够很好的工作。
That is almost always more difficult than naive realists tend to suppose. 这几乎总是比天真的“现实主义者”通常想象的更难。
Many people who went down to the countryside are realists with regard to life, he suggests. 许多有过上山下乡经历的人在对待人生方面都是现实主义者,他说。
The greater fools think themselves realists. 更大的傻瓜们认为自己是现实主义者。
Usually, they are just being realists. 通常来说,他们只是现实主义者。
There, he first encountered images of Western art-Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, modern abstract painters-along with Soviet Realists. 在那里,他第一次看到了西方艺术的影像文森特•梵高(VincentvanGogh)、保罗•高更(PaulGauguin)、现代抽象主义画家还有苏联现实主义画家。
Those who once styled themselves foreign policy realists have been left flat-footed and embarrassed by the brave young idealists taking on the tyrants. 那些挑战暴君的勇敢的年轻理想主义者,让曾经标榜自己在外交政策方面务实的人陷入了手足无措和难堪的境地。
I went back to the bar on Bucareli, but the visceral realists never showed up. 我又去了一趟布卡雷利大街上的那家酒吧,可是本能现实主义者们始终没有露面。
People who invest the future are the true realists. 投资未来之人是真正的现实主义着。
As things stand, we have the sceptics, the activists and in the middle, I suppose, the realists. 在目前的情况下,有怀疑者和积极支持者,我认为在他们之间还有现实主义者。
Finally, for those realists who understand that costly projects are rarely a matter of pure altruism, it is worth remembering that an initiative of this kind presents candidates with exactly the kind of win-win proposition that worried voters are now eager to support. 最后,现实主义者们认为这种耗资巨大的工程不可能是什么纯粹的利他主义,他们应该记住,这类行动恰恰会给候选人们带来双赢性的提议,而现在心急如焚的选民们则会踊跃支持。
It's getting tepid reviews from realists, who argue that the EPOC is not the "mass market device for people looking for a turnkey telekinesis solution" that everyone hoped it might be. 它变得不温不火,从现实主义评论,谁认为,太平洋业务中心是不是找了一个希望大家可以交钥匙心灵传动解决方案“,是”大众市场设备的人。
He is commonly considered the first of the realists in Renaissance art. 他被公认是文艺复兴艺术中现实主义的开先河者。
Such concessions to the sitter's vanity and social position seem to have been disregarded in the convincing likenesses by more objective realists. 更为客观的现实主义画家笔下令人心悦诚服的相拟性,似乎漠视了对被临摹者虚荣心和社会地位的迁就。
I've been cordially invited to join the visceral realists. 他们盛情邀我加入本能现实主义派。
In what ways do positivists, relativists ( or constructivists), and pragmatic realists answer these questions? 实证主义者、对论者(者说是建构主义者)以及实用现实主义者是如何回答这些问题的?
They are idealists, while business owners must be realists. 他们是理想主义者,而企业主必须是现实主义者。
While South Africans are approaching the tournament in a spirit of patriotic hope, the realists among them will admit to having modest expectations for their own team. 尽管南非人对世界杯满怀爱国主义热忱,但他们中的现实主义者会承认对自己的国家队期望不高。
We Marxists are revolutionary realists and never indulge in idle dreams. 我们马克思主义者是革命的现实主义者,绝不作空想。
The Cynical Realists were not only looking to fulfill their intellectual hunger, but also for a greater understanding of the workings of reality and a society. 玩世现实主义者除了追求满足他们的知识需求,也追求进一步了解现实及社会运作的方式。
It may soon confound realists who think that for all his flaws, Mr Assad is preferable to the chaos that could engulf Syria in his absence. 现实主义者们可能很快就会感到挫败&在他们看来,尽管阿萨德有这样那样的缺陷,但总强于把他赶下台后、让叙利亚陷入无尽的混乱之中。
Many years ago there was a Mexican avantgarde group called the visceral realists, I think, but I don't know whether they were writers or painters or journalists or revolutionaries. 我想,多年以前,墨西哥有个先锋派组织也叫本能现实主义者,可我不知道他们到底是作家、画家、新闻记者还是革命家。
Nietzsche is saying to the realists then that it's impossible to extract from our current awareness the sedimentations accumulated over millennia of previous animal as well as cultural experience. 尼采当时对现实主义者说,不可能从我们现在的意识中提取,之前数千年的动物性的积累的沉淀,以及文化经历。
Lot Notes Liu Wei is considered a member of China's so-called "Cynical Realists", painters who emerged from the malaise of the1990s as some of China's most insightful and intuitive social observers. 刘炜是中国「玩世现实主义」的重要成员。这一派画家经历了1990年代的动荡不安,脱颖而出,成为最具远见、最直观的社会观察者。
Realists or cynics will say the measure I propose is too radical for MS Gandhi to contemplate. 现实主义者或玩世不恭者会说我提议的举措过于激进、索尼娅根本不会予以考虑。