Having this sort of realtime visibility regarding change lets you pinpoint its effect across the project, which helps you make quick, informed decisions for scope management or resource reallocation. 拥有了这种关于变更的实时可视化功能,可以使您查明变更在项目中的效应,这可以帮助您做出关于范围管理或资源再分配的快速、合理的决策。
This guarantees that no reallocation is necessary regardless of how many elements are added to the array later on and regardless of the size of those elements. 这可以保证稍后无论多少元素添加到阵列,也无论那些元素的大小,都没有必要重新分配。
During reallocation, the requested size is compared against the existing size of the allocated block. 在重新分配时,比较请求的大小和已分配块的大小。
As these bond funds come under pressure to maintain competitive yields and pay regular dividends there could well be a reallocation to equity funds if stock markets across Asia finish the year strongly. 随着这些债券基金受到保持竞争性收益率和定期支付股息的压力,如果亚洲各地股市年底强劲上涨,国际资本很可能重新配置到股票基金。
Yet this has not triggered a large reallocation of capital to high-return activities. 然而,这没有促使资本大量转向高回报率的活动上。
The reason leading to the online space reallocation failure must be found in a very timely fashion. 造成在线数据空间再分配操作失败的原因必须尽快查出。
Productivity Growth and Factor Reallocation: China's Empirical Study 生产率增长与要素再配置效应:中国的经验研究
Accordingly, bilateral relations become less relevant and the potential for spontaneous reallocation of flows across markets increases. 相应地,双边关系变得不那么重要了,各市场之间自发对产品流动进行重新配置的潜力提高了。
For example, climate change mitigation projects will necessarily result in a reallocation of resources as the world depends less on carbon. 例如,随着世界越来越少地依赖于碳,气候变化减缓项目必然将导致资源的重新分配。
( iii) the volume/ value of requests for allocation or reallocation denied; (ⅲ)予以拒绝的要求进行分配或再分配的数量/金额;
Using the method of positioned testing, this paper made a study of the effects of rainfall reallocation on the nutrient dynamic of Liquidambar formosana plantation in Changsha suburbs. 采用定位试验研究方法对长沙市郊枫香人工林生态系统水文过程及养分动态进行了研究。
But this requires greater domestic competition, reallocation of resources to more productive activity and better utilisation of labour. 但这要求加强国内竞争,将资源重新配置到生产率更高的经济活动,并更好地利用劳动力。
As the upgrading works are done in phases, pray for smooth allocation and reallocation of the classrooms. 施工程序是分阶段进行,求神引导在过度期间,课室的安排能顺利解决。
The allocation of water rights in TRB was divided into two phases, including the initial allocation and reallocation. 塔里木河流域的水权配置分为初始配置和再配置两个阶段。
Improving Ownership Structure, Making Full Use of Reallocation to Promote a Harmonious Society 完善所有制结构,充分发挥再分配对和谐社会的促进作用
Interest reallocation function of household registration system results from china's peculiar social and economic policies. 中国特殊的社会经济政策导致户籍制度异化为社会利益分配机制。
The program also helped facilitate the reallocation of government resources away from military spending and into key areas, including the social and economic sectors. 该项目也推动了政府资金从军事开支向重点领域转移,包括社会和经济领域。
So far this reallocation to emerging markets has been the result of a switch from developed market equity funds and has not yet indicated a new and significant allocation to equities overall. 迄今,这种对新兴市场的重新配置一直源自对发达市场股票基金的减持,还没有表明资金大规模转向股票这个资产类别。
There will also have to be a significant reallocation of resources from domestic consumption to tradeable goods manufacturing. 还必须大幅度重新调配资源,把资源从国内消费调拨到可贸易产品制造领域。
These two commitments do not necessarily mean the creation of new clusters or special programmes, or a reallocation of funds. 这两方面的承诺并不一定意味着创建新的部门或特别规划,或者重新调拨资金。
Heap reallocation functions do not free the passed buffer if reallocation is unsuccessful. 如果重新分配失败,则堆重新分配函数不会释放已传递的缓冲区。
As elements are added to a queue, the capacity is automatically increased as required through reallocation. 向queue添加元素时,将通过重新分配来根据需要自动增大容量。
Hierarchical link-sharing and bandwidth reallocation algorithm for links with varying bandwidth 带宽变化的链路分层共享和带宽重分配算法
Firstly, fears of monetary inflation prompted a widespread portfolio reallocation into commodities. 首先,对货币通胀的担忧促使投资者普遍对投资组合进行重新配置,增加对大宗商品的投资。
A reallocation of investment towards less capital-intensive service activities may be all that is needed. 目前所需要的一切,可能不过是实现投资的重新分配,将投资引向那些资本密集度更低的服务活动。
Ten years on, the strategic challenge to the US comes from the rapid reallocation of power. 10年过后,美国面临的战略挑战来自于国际影响力的迅速重新配置。
Reporting on allocation and reallocation decisions made by the central authority and providing information regarding such allocations and reallocations upon request; 就中央主管机关所作关于分配和再分配的决定进行报告,并应请求提供此类分配和再分配的信息;
Productivity growth was driven by industrial restructuring and reallocation of jobs, with rates of manufacturing job destruction and creation markedly higher in China than in the US, according to the competitiveness report. 这份竞争力报告称,产业结构调整与工作岗位再分配,推动了生产率的增长,而中国制造业工作岗位的消失与创造速度都明显高于美国。
This portfolio reallocation represents a pure windfall for the oil producers. 这种投资组合的重新配置,对石油生产商而言,纯粹是一笔意外之财。