The grain is reaped through the hard labour of the peasants. 粮食是农民用血汗换来的。
Since its founding in 2006, Marin has reaped the benefits of the growing online advertising industry. 2006年成立至今,Marin在蓬勃发展的网络广告产业中获益颇丰。
They lost some grains on ground at random and reaped more, which initiated the original agriculture. 他们随意地将谷物丢在地上并且收获了许多,这便是最原始的农业。
The winners in financial firms this year are likely to be equity traders, who have reaped gains from soaring stock markets, and investment bankers, who have benefited from a pickup in initial public offerings and other deals. 今年金融机构中的赢家可能是股票交易员和投资银行家。前者从股市飙涨中获得了收益,首次公开募股(IPO)和其他交易回暖则令后者受益。
The huge profits bankers reaped reinforced their collective blindness to the illusory value of the assets they traded. 银行斩获的巨额利润又加剧了它们对于所交易资产虚幻价值的集体性熟视无睹。
Comprehensive agricultural development has not only reaped significant economic benefits, but also resulted in good social and ecological benefits. 农业综合开发,不仅取得了良好的经济效益,而且取得了十分显著的社会效益和生态效益。
By the sweat of his brow he reaped the fruits of his labour. 通过滴撒汗水的辛勤劳作,农民收获了他劳动的果实。
When the wheat is headed it is reaped and threshed. 麦子熟了,就把它收割脱粒了。
I reaped the rewards on a regular basis. 我反而觉得这是对我的一种奖励。
He reaped before he sowed. 原始人先收获,后播种。
In retirement he reaped the rewards of his earlier investments. 退休后他从早年的投资中得到回报。
Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor. 别人辛苦劳动,你们收获他们的劳动果实。
You never reaped the benefits of this grove of trees. 你没能指望上这片小树林子。
He reaped a yield twice as much as he would have done with local strains. 他取得了比使用当地种籽高一倍的产量。
It is time they reaped the premium that is theirs as lenders. 是时候由他们收获属于他们的贷款酬金了。
The world as a whole reaped a demographic dividend in the 40 years to 2010. 世界整体在2010年之前收获了40年的人口红利。
He finally reaped the benefit of all his years of hard work. 他多年来辛苦的工作终于获得了好处。
There were crops to be sown and reaped. 有农作物有待播种和收割。
He reaped the harvest of his hard work. 他获得辛勤劳动的成果。
Both engaged in suicide missions and reaped their rewards in the next world. 既从事自杀任务,取得了在未来世界的回报。
She reaped large profits from her unique invention. 她从她那奇特的发明中获得了大量的利益。
The students have reaped some direct benefit from their English studies. 学生们从英语学习中获得了一些直接的益处。
He and his brother reaped the field of barley. 他和兄弟一起把田里的大麦收割完了。
They reaped a fine crop of fruit from the bushes that they planted last year. 他们从去年种的果树上获得好收成。
Only a part of the people has reaped benefits from the new policy. 只有一部分人从新政策中受益。
Muddleheaded I suddenly reaped a love. 懵懵懂懂,突然收获了一份爱情。
We reaped a heavy crop of wheat here last year. 去年我们在这地里获得了小麦丰收。
The more significant synthetic dividend of this simple process is reaped. 可以从这个简单反应中得到在合成上更有意义的收获。
The pioneers have reaped tremendous rewards. 首开先河者斩获了丰厚的回报。
After several years of research, he at last reaped rich fruits. 经过几年的研究,他终于取得了丰硕的成果。